Today, ambulance workers strike, with NHS advising patients.

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By Creative Media News

With fewer ambulances on the road, the health secretary warns that disruptions are “inevitable”; however, ambulance providers insist they are committed to answering all emergency calls.

In a disagreement with the government over wages, some 25,000 ambulance workers in England and Wales are on strike today, prompting fears that some patients would be forced to make their way to the hospital.

Over the course of 24 hours, paramedics, call handlers, drivers, and technicians from the Unison and GMB unions will stage staggered walkouts.

Each strike will not exceed 12 hours, with call handlers expected to walk out for six-hour intervals.

Today, ambulance workers strike, with nhs advising patients.
Today, ambulance workers strike, with nhs advising patients.

There will be delays in answering 999 and 111 calls, as well as delays for ambulances. According to health leaders who have warned of additional strain on an already overburdened NHS.

Unison has balloted approximately 15,000 of its members in London, Yorkshire, the North West, the North East, and the South West who intend to strike.

More than 10,000 GMB ambulance workers are set to strike, affecting ambulance services in the South West, South East coast, North West, South Central region, North East, East Midlands, West Midlands, and Yorkshire.

NHS England has instructed patients to continue calling 999 for life-threatening crises. But to utilize 111, general practitioners, and pharmacies for non-urgent requirements.

Some persons may be asked to make their journey to the hospital. Although 111 or 999 should be called first for medical advice.

“Undesirable reappearance of needless disruption”

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay stated, “Today’s ambulance strike is an unpleasant return to needless disruption at a time when the NHS is already under enormous pressure from COVID and influenza.

Although we have contingency preparations in place, including help from the military, community first responders. And additional call takers, to minimize threats to patient safety. Fewer ambulances on the road will cause some disruption for patients.”

He criticized the unions for failing to get a national agreement on minimum service levels during the strike. Even though local agreements had been reached, a day after the government submitted a bill requiring unions to establish minimum safety standards during key worker strikes.

The most life-threatening disorders, such as cardiac arrests, go under category one, whereas strokes and sepsis fall under category two.

During the walkout, unions and trusts will determine which category two calls will be answered.

The West Midlands Ambulance Service stated that it had pledged to respond to all category one calls as well as other life-threatening situations. Including heart attacks, strokes, difficulties breathing, and obstetric emergencies.

South Central Ambulance Service

Ben Holdaway, director of operations for the East Midlands Ambulance Service, stated that teams have tried to maximize staffing levels. But he anticipates a “far slower” response than typical.

“Where possible, our 999 control rooms will carefully assess and prioritize an ambulance response for people who need it most. And this may only occur in the event of a life-threatening emergency,” he added.

According to South Central Ambulance Service, the strike will affect its non-emergency patient transport services the most.

In the meanwhile, Yorkshire Ambulance Service has warned that all of its services would be affected. Including frontline emergency ambulances, 999 call handling, non-emergency patient transport, and NHS 111.

It was said that ambulances will still be able to respond during the strike, but only if there is an imminent threat to life.

According to Daniel Elkeles, the service’s chief executive officer. There is an agreement in place in London that stipulates a maximum of 50 percent of the personnel will go on strike at any given time. And that workers will leave picket lines if call-answering times are too long.

“Life and limb ailments”

Regarding whether calls of category two will be answered, he stated, “They will be.” We refer to them as “life and limb conditions” since some of them fall into category one. Others into category two, and possibly even category three.

Miriam Deakin, head of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, stated that trust leaders worry Wednesday’s strike would have a greater impact on the NHS than December’s strike. But that they will “pull out all the stops” to mitigate the impact.

Monday’s negotiations between unions and the government failed to prevent the scheduled strike. And teachers and train workers are also planning industrial action.

The nurses will go on strike next Wednesday and Thursday, while another ambulance strike is scheduled for January 23.

Tuesday, the government enacted new legislation establishing “minimum safety levels” for worker walkouts.

However, Business Secretary Grant Shapps warned the House of Commons that Wednesday’s ambulance strike “still lacks minimal safety standards, resulting in patchy emergency care for the British public.

Ambulance workers in England and Wales are striking over demands for a salary boost above inflation. While the government says most ambulance staff have got a pay rise of at least 4%.

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