The £637k Ritz ring is found in an unusual place, solving the riddle

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By Creative Media News

A guest who had reason to believe that her diamond ring had been stolen by hotel personnel will now return to France to retrieve her valuables.

Following its discovery in a Hoover, a guest at the Ritz in Paris who suspected hotel personnel of stealing a £637,000 diamond ring will be reunited with her prized possession.

Le Parisien reports that on Friday, a Malaysian guest lodged a police report claiming the ring had been absent from her room.

The Ritz said the ring was found Sunday but did not identify its owner.

The Ritz Paris confirmed in a statement that the ring was discovered this morning in a hoover bag. This discovery resulted from thorough investigations conducted by security personnel.

“Our client is happy at the news.”

According to the newspaper, the visitor arrived in London on Friday but will return to Paris for her ring.

The Ritz has extended an offer of three additional nights to the visitor to compensate for the inconvenience.

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