Move yourself joyfully! How to exercise to improve your mood, regardless of your level of fitness.

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Everyone is aware of the benefits of exercise, which include stronger muscles, more energy, weight management, and improved sleep. A mood boost is frequently a bonus. However, there is no more evidence than ever that physical activity not only improves but also protects mental health.

According to Jack Raglin, a professor of kinesiology at the Indiana University School of Public Health, the psychological benefits of exercise have been overlooked even though depression is the fourth most serious disease on the planet: The evidence continues to accumulate.

Move yourself joyfully! How to exercise to improve your mood, regardless of your level of fitness.
Move yourself joyfully! How to exercise to improve your mood, regardless of your level of fitness.

Even if you only exercised for the sake of your mind, it would be well worth your time, and the good news is that even a little bit can make a significant difference. Here’s how to achieve happiness.

How does movement boost our moods?
Widespread belief holds that exercise’s psychological benefits result from the release of endorphins, but this is an oversimplification. Ragin asserts that the supporting evidence for this claim is extremely weak.

When we exercise, our bodies produce a cocktail of hormones, including endocannabinoids, which all contribute to our feeling of well-being. At a certain intensity of activity, endorphins are produced, but the mood-enhancing effects of exercise are experienced at a much lower intensity.

What sort of psychological advantages are we discussing?
Numerous and significant benefits. Exercise not only increases positive “affect” (or emotion), but it also decreases negative affect, resulting in a double dose of positive emotions.

According to Raglin, a single “dose” of exercise can improve your mood for several hours. Not only are the benefits “immediate and perceptible,” but they can accumulate over weeks with a consistent regimen. He states, “In other words, there is a long-term and continuous improvement.”

Physical activity has also been demonstrated to be effective in treating clinical anxiety and hospitalized patients with psychological disorders. Raglin asserts that there are significant benefits for those with above-average anxiety levels but who do not meet the criteria for clinical diagnosis.

How physically active must I be to experience psychological benefits?
If improving your mood is your primary objective, the threshold for what constitutes exercise is much lower than for weight loss or fitness gains. Raglin asserts, “Low-intensity exercise can yield substantial psychological benefits.” It is not the case that the longer or harder you exercise, the better you will feel.

How physically active must i be to experience psychological benefits?
How physically active must I be to experience psychological benefits?

This is especially important if you are just beginning to exercise. “People have been preprogrammed to think of exercise in terms of physical benefits,” says Raglin. “They believe that to get something out of it, they must sweat or exhaust themselves.” “Thinking ‘I don’t like it, it’s difficult, I’m out of shape, and I’m old’ may discourage them from the beginning. But if they believe, “I primarily want to do this to feel better,” that is sufficient.”

Raglin states that 15 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week will provide the “long-term, more profound” benefits; however, any “dose” will have an effect. “A five-minute walk can be a mood booster,” he says. “The dosage, or ‘pill,’ necessary to produce a psychological effect is quite small and extremely palatable.”

Assistant professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise at Virginia Tech Julia Basso studied the effects of various activities on mood, including high-intensity interval training and moderate to vigorous workouts, and discovered that even a simple exercise like walking had profound effects on mood. “Simply going outside and moving your body through time and space is very beneficial,” she says.

What is the best exercise?
Raglin and his colleagues compared aerobic and anaerobic forms of exercise and discovered that aerobic exercise (such as jogging, running, swimming, and other cardio) appeared to be more effective at reducing anxiety levels. Both forms were equally effective for people who were particularly tense before the activity, and a combination of the two was also found to be effective.

When any form of physical activity is beneficial, Basso suggests choosing an activity that you enjoy, whether it be swimming, team sports, or dancing. Individual preference is the driving force behind mood-boosting benefits.

Should I adhere to a routine or alter it?
Raglin asserts that the most effective exercise program for psychological benefits is one that can be maintained. He observes two distinct types of individuals: those who have found “their exercise” and are content to run the same route every day, and those who prefer variety.

Ragin states, “It’s almost more about personality: both can work equally well.” “When you are sore, your body is telling you that you’re using those muscles differently,” he cautions if you are accustomed to a particular exercise and are switching to another.

Most effective is incorporating regular exercise and everyday movement into one’s lifestyle. This not only relieves anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders but also prevents their onset and regulates normal mood swings.

I do not exercise, but I require a mood enhancer. Where should I begin?
The author of The Joy of Movement, a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, Kelly McGonigal, suggests that individuals seek out an activity that makes them feel good. “This may entail redefining movement away from the types of workouts that people gravitate toward when attempting to maximize calorie burn or achieve a certain physique,” she says.

If you are unsure about exercise or have had negative experiences in the past, McGonigal suggests combining it with socializing, time spent outdoors, and/or music. Simply moving to your favorite song for three minutes will make a difference, she says: “That is the simplest win in the world.

I don’t like group exercise! Will a workout by myself make me as happy?
One study found that the antidepressant effects of exercise were the same for aerobics class participants and those who did the same workout at home with remote instruction. Raglin states, “You may enjoy it in different ways and derive different psychological benefits from social exercise, but you will still experience benefits if you exercise alone.”

In addition, having an “accountability partner” or another social element has been shown to encourage a consistent exercise routine. You may also find it more difficult to push yourself when exercising alone, and while any movement is preferable to none, achieving a new personal best is another way to feel good.

What if I have difficulty with mobility or a disability?
Walking produces some of the most profound effects, so senior citizens can also experience the advantages of movement. Walking is also the most prevalent form of physical activity among adults with mobility disabilities who are physically active. If possible, swimming can be especially beneficial because it supports the body and reduces the risk of injury or joint discomfort.

But if physical mobility is an issue, even a simple shift in posture can make a difference. McGonigal designed an eight-minute workout consisting of “joy moves”: positions that embody positive states of mind and make one feel good. These include foot-to-foot bouncing and star-jumping for joy, but simply raising your arms or swaying from side to side can also be uplifting.

McGonigal teaches joy moves as part of group exercise classes that have included people in wheelchairs and older than 80 years old. She says, “This does not require youth or physical ability, nor is it dependent on intensity.” “It’s about the physical expression: using your body to connect to these movements that represent our capacity for happiness – and activate it, too.”

How can I make my workout more enjoyable?
Utilizing the power of the mind, also known as the placebo effect. Positive or negative outcomes can be influenced by one’s attitude toward or expectations of exercise, according to scientific research. Raglin states, “If you believe it will make you feel better, the benefits will be even greater than they would be otherwise.” You can get more out of it.

Raglin also recommends tapering your workouts so that you finish feeling strong and upbeat, not exhausted. “Some research indicates that how you feel after a workout affects how you feel about exercise,” he says. “If the most difficult portion of your workout is in the middle, but you let up at the end, that’s what you remember.”

I feel great! If I engage in more physical activity, will I feel even better?
Basso asserts that consistency is crucial. Over time, the brain learns to associate exercise with the release of mood-boosting chemicals, making it want to engage in the activity repeatedly. “It is essential for the brain to learn that exercise is rewarding and develop a habit of doing so.”

Basso asserts that once a routine is established, there is more to gain from exercise by increasing the frequency, such as by going from twice per week to four times per week. A 2019 study by Harvard researchers found a 26% reduction in the likelihood of developing depression for each significant increase in physical activity. The author Karmel Choi, a clinical and research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, suggests substituting sitting with 15 minutes of running or one hour of brisk walking, with each “bump” accumulating to protect your mood. According to Choi, any type of movement can help keep depression at bay.

I don’t feel better! Is exercise just not for me?
Raglin suggests that it is possible to feel worse immediately following vigorous aerobic exercise. Physical symptoms such as perspiration, trembling, and hyperventilation can exacerbate a negative mood, but “within 15 to 20 minutes, these symptoms disappear and feelings of relaxation begin to enter the equation,” he says.

McGonigal asserts that not everyone experiences the fabled post-exercise “high,”, particularly beginners. According to her, it takes approximately six weeks of consistent exercise for the brain to anticipate the feel-good factor. In the interim, McGonigal recommends doing whatever you can to make the experience more enjoyable, such as enlisting the help of friends or adding an upbeat soundtrack. All of these will provide a more immediate reward for physical activity while your brain catches up.

How long does this exercise-induced high last?
According to Basso, people experience a “nice two-hour window of calm” following exercise. Some sensations of reduced stress increase happiness and relaxation can last up to 24 hours.

However, researchers have not investigated the longitudinal question of how long the mood boost from movement lasts without maintenance. Basso suspects it is similar to muscle deterioration: “We know that when we stop exercising, many of the physical benefits diminish over a period of weeks, so it is essential to continue exercising.”

She adds that there is evidence to suggest that “the body remembers” – that it is easier to restart an exercise routine if we have previously exercised, and that we may experience the benefits more quickly. Basso adds that this is also demonstrated by the fact that people who exercised when they were younger tend to be more physically active as they age. Parents should be aware that getting their children physically active is not only a way to reduce stress during childhood and adolescence but will also help them maintain activity levels as they age.

Is it feasible to go too far?
According to studies, competitive athletes may not benefit from the mood-boosting effects of exercise. In fact, according to Raglin, it can be the opposite: “The more they train, the worse they feel psychological.” It is even possible that a minority will develop clinical depression independent of competitive pressure as a result of overtraining.

However, these negative effects are limited to serious athletes only. For the remainder of us, any movement is beneficial. McGonigal refers to this as the “feel-better effect.” She states, “There appears to be no dose too small or movement too modest.” “What’s so great about the research is that you can’t find an exercise that doesn’t work. Swimming? Tai chi? Powerlifting? Yes! Everything works!

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