A poll indicates that only one-third of parents discuss nutrition with their children.
And the majority of individuals who avoid the potentially embarrassing conversation do so to foster a healthy body image.

However, ninety percent of asked parents stated they would be fine with others discussing dieting around their children.
More than 80% of parents who were willing to address eating patterns with their children waited until their children were 15 years old, according to a survey of 2,250 British parents conducted by the weight-loss consulting group Juniper.
Heart problems initially detected through fitness technology
A U.S. study discovered that Apple Watches and Fitbit activity trackers are more effective than standard cardiac exams at detecting a dangerously irregular pulse.
Strokes can be caused by atrial fibrillation. If a patient visits the hospital complaining of shortness of breath, chest pains, or dizziness, they have a heart scan or ECG to detect aberrant peaks in the cardiac rhythm.

Researchers at Massachusetts General Medical discovered that monitoring heartbeats with a digital gadget would be faster and less expensive than frequent hospital visits.
Gold is being used to develop a therapy for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Although there is no cure for the severe ailment affecting the intestine, doctors might give medications to alleviate symptoms.
However, researchers from China’s Sun Yat-sen University believe they have discovered indications of a cure that could eradicate the sickness.
The administration of a medication containing ultra-small gold particles to mice with inflammatory bowel disease reduced inflammation in their intestines almost immediately and prevented its return.
How are a stroke and a mini-stroke different?
When the blood supply to a portion of the brain is interrupted, causing damage, a stroke develops.
Depending on the severity and location of the brain damage, long-term disability may result.
The most prevalent type is an ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood clot obstructs blood flow.
Typically, clots occur in regions where the arteries have been gradually constricted or obstructed by fatty deposits known as plaques – a condition known as atherosclerosis.
A stroke can also be triggered by a ruptured brain blood artery.
A transient ischemic attack or mini-stroke has the same cause as an ischaemic stroke. However, the obstruction is temporary and there is no lasting damage.
They are typically a warning indicator of high risk for stroke.