US restores Gaza aid pier damaged by weather

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By Creative Media News

  • US military reinstalls temporary aid pier in Gaza
  • Aid groups criticize pier as inadequate solution
  • Biden affirms unwavering support for Israel

The United States military has declared that it has reinstalled a temporary aid pier in Gaza that had been damaged by inclement weather. The military has stated that humanitarian assistance will be delivered through the floating port in the “coming days.”

The pier will facilitate the delivery of “much-needed humanitarian aid” to Gaza, the US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on Friday.

The Palestinian territory is on the brink of catastrophe as a result of a suffocating blockade imposed by Israel. This significant US ally receives billions of dollars in annual aid from Washington.

In a social media post, the US military announced that it would facilitate the movement of essential food and other emergency supplies to support the US Agency for International Development in the coming days.

Aid organizations have consistently cautioned that the US pier is an ineffective method of delivering aid and cannot serve as a substitute for the reopening of land routes, which had been obstructed or severely restricted by Israel.

Twenty aid organizations, including Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders, criticized the US-installed port as a “cosmetic change” that failed to address the crisis in late May adequately.

“The humanitarian response is on the brink of collapse, while the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access as Israeli attacks intensify on Rafah,” the organizations stated in a statement.

“The capacity of medical teams and aid groups to respond has nearly collapsed, with temporary solutions like a “floating dock” and new crossing points having minimal effect.”

The $230 million pier has become a symbol of the failures and contradictions of US policy in Gaza, according to its critics.

The administration of President Joe Biden denies that Israel is obstructing aid to Gaza despite consistently encouraging the US ally to permit additional assistance into the territory.

Additionally, the United States provides Israel with billions of dollars in military aid, which includes heavy bombs and artillery projectiles that Biden has acknowledged have resulted in the deaths of Palestinian civilians.

It is illegal for the United States to provide military aid to countries that refuse to accept humanitarian assistance that the United States supports.

In March, during his State of the Union Address, Biden disclosed his intention to construct the pier. He stated that the dock would be capable of “accepting substantial shipments of food, water, medicine, and temporary shelter.”

The initiative’s viability was questioned when waves washed away vessels supporting the pier days after the project concluded in mid-May. The jetty itself suffered damage, necessitating repairs by the end of the month.

The pier is expected to reopen as Israel continues to obstruct the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, which was previously a significant route for humanitarian workers and assistance.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is further exacerbated by the inability to distribute aid to individuals once it has arrived in the region.

According to Save the Children, Israel has murdered over 200 humanitarian workers since the outbreak of the conflict.

In April, an Israeli air strike resulted in the deaths of seven World Central Kitchen workers who were delivering aid in the territory, causing a worldwide outcry.

Nevertheless, Biden has consistently resisted demands to restrict or condition military aid to Israel, frequently affirming his “ironclad” dedication to the US ally.

In the past few days, Israel has murdered numerous Palestinians at UN schools in Gaza that are used as sanctuaries for displaced individuals.

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US weapons were employed in an Israeli strike that resulted in the deaths of at least 40 individuals at a school in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Hamas declared on Friday that Israel’s targeting of schools is a component of the ongoing “genocide” against Palestinians, which the United States is supporting.

The Palestinian group stated in a statement that the administration of US President Joe Biden is fully responsible for these ongoing crimes. This is because the administration continues to provide the fascist entity with weapons and munitions, as well as political and diplomatic support. Additionally, the administration terrorizes and obstructs international justice from assuming its role in stopping this genocide and holding its perpetrators accountable.

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