Lawrence Bierton: Third murderer will never be freed

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By Creative Media News

  • Bierton sentenced: life without parole
  • Victim: Pauline Quinn, 73
  • Previous convictions: double murder

A triple assassin who murdered his neighbour, striking her to death with a coffee table while out on parole, will never be freed.

Pauline Quinn, aged 73, was discovered deceased in her Worksop, Nottinghamshire, residence in November 2021. She had sustained 29 distinct head and facial injuries.

On Wednesday, Lawrence Bierton was given a life sentence at Nottingham Crown Court.

Prior to that, he was incarcerated in 1996 for the murder of two elderly sisters.

Mrs. Quinn was allegedly murdered by Bierton, 18 months subsequent to his release for the second time while on licence, for the fatalities of Elsie Gregory, 73, and Aileen Dudill, 79, at their Rotherham residence.

In May 2020, Bierton received a second licence release and joined Rayton Spur six months later.

“Significant oversights”

Concerns were raised by the police regarding his relocation to the area on account of the danger it posed to the elderly and vulnerable, but the court was informed that the Probation Service had authorised the change.

In court, the director of the Nottinghamshire probation delivery unit, Saika Jabeen, referred to this decision as “defective.” The judge, Mr. Justice Pepperall, referred to it as a “significant error.”

Senior executives, she continued, would extend an apology to the family on the Probation Service’s behalf for the “serious oversights” in the case.

The judge stated in his sentencing remarks, “That was a flawed decision [to house Bierton at Rayton Spur]; you ought not to have been placed in the same facility as elderly and vulnerable residents.” Ms. Quinn had the right to anticipate more, and it was evident that the system let her down.

Bierton allegedly broke into the residence of Mrs. Quinn in Rayton Spur shortly after 16:00 GMT on November 9, 2021, after she declined to provide him with cash in exchange for alcohol, according to court documents.

The alcoholic 63-year-old consumed crack cocaine, an opioid, vodka, and rum on the morning of the homicide.

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Mrs. Quinn, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lived alone, pulled the emergency cord in her lodging during the assault, which captured audio of Bierton striking her repeatedly.

The judge stated that “certainty-rousing parallels” existed between the two homicides that occurred in 1995 and Mrs. Quinn’s murder.

He added that Bierton used “extraordinary levels of violence” and “no mercy” in all three murders.

Ms. Gregory and Ms. Dudill were found dead in their South Yorkshire front room after the fire.

Both were discovered to have perished prior to the fire breaking out. Head injuries caused asphyxia in Ms. Dudill, while Ms. Gregory died from a severe brain injury.

The judge stated that all three women were elderly and experienced some degree of physical disability.

About all three, you were acquainted

“Extreme and prolonged violence was inflicted upon all three women, resulting in severe blunt force trauma and fractured skulls to all three.”

It is beyond any reasonable doubt that you should never be permitted to stroll the streets again.

Bierton received a life sentence with no parole unless extraordinary and humanitarian conditions exist.

According to PA news, four of the nearly sixty life-sentenced convicts are in secure hospitals.

She was described as a “beloved mother, sister, and grandmother” in a statement issued by Mrs. Quinn’s children, Janice Quinn and Lisa Rummery, as well as her son Tom Quinn.

“We, her family, are tortured by the circumstances of her death,” the relatives stated.

Our mother was the victim of a vicious and sustained assault in the privacy of her own residence.

“The conviction of our mother’s killer has been difficult. He was a life-sentenced double murderer operating under a valid licence.”

“Upon his release, rather than attempting to exploit his second chance at life, he committed the heinous act of murdering our mother.”

“Our mother’s terrible misfortune was that Bierton was rehoused in the flat directly opposite hers.”

“Like his previous two prey, she was an elderly woman who was in a vulnerable state.” “And similarly to them, she was brutally and pitilessly murdered.”

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