Just Stop Oil demonstrators stop the QE2 bridge at Dartford Crossing.

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By Creative Media News

The QE2 bridge was shut down after an early morning report of climbers. As dawn approached, they were seen hanging from its steel cables.

The Dartford Crossing bridge has been closed and traffic is backed up for miles after two oil protestors climbed the structure and blocked it.

According to National Highways, there are two-hour delays in both directions and five to six miles of congestion.

Two members of the climate change activist group Just Stop Oil climbed the 84-meter-tall masts on the north side of the QE2 bridge “to demand that the government suspend all new oil and gas licenses and consents,” according to Just Stop Oil.

Just stop oil demonstrators stop the qe2 bridge at dartford crossing.
Just stop oil demonstrators stop the qe2 bridge at dartford crossing.

It is the latest protest by the group’s militants, who painted an Aston Martin shop orange on Sunday and splashed tomato soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers a few days earlier.

“The bridge is blocked whilst we settle the incident as swiftly and safely as possible for everyone concerned,” Essex Police stated.

“As a result, we have had to close the bridge to traffic, but a detour will be established through the tunnel.

Due to the complexity of securely lowering individuals from a height, this situation may take some time to settle.

The bridge connecting Essex and Kent was closed at 3:50 a.m. after a report of climbers was received. As dawn approached, they were seen hanging from its steel cables.

The Dartford Crossing consists of two tunnels and is notoriously congested as the sole automobile crossing of the Thames east of London.

Morgan Trowland, a 39-year-old engineer and demonstrator, stated Just Stop Oil.

“I can’t oppose this insanity from my desk job building bridges, so I’m taking direct action by occupying the QE2 bridge until the government halts all new oil production,” he explained.

Bridge closed by just stop oil protesters
Just stop oil demonstrators stop the qe2 bridge at dartford crossing.

Another protester, identified only as Marcus, a 33-year-old educator, stated, “Only direct action can help us achieve the societal tipping point we so desperately require.

However, drivers who encountered lengthy delays while attempting to go to work were angry.

I’m currently stuck in traffic and wasting a lot of gas while I wait for the Woolwich ferry to cross the Thames so I can get to work… “No thanks to the two scumbags that scaled #darfordcrossing,” tweeted Nick Reeve.

“My husband works for the London power board, but he can’t even leave our road,” wrote Sioxsie Wild.

“He had VITAL engineering work to do. Both ambulances and emergency services are stalled. This is endangering lives and generating further damage.”

National Highways stated that southbound/counterclockwise traffic is being rerouted via the East Bore Tunnel. Northbound/counterclockwise traffic is restricted to the West Bore Tunnel exclusively.

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