Judge hospitalised following family court assault

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By Creative Media News

  • Judge assaulted during hearing
  • Assailant pleads guilty
  • FLBA shocked, urges security

A senior family court judge was hospitalised following an assault committed by a man during his case hearing.

The assailant appeared in court in Milton Keynes on his behalf, lacking legal representation.

The specifics of the Wednesday morning assault remain undisclosed, and the nature of the matter before the judge is likewise unknown.

Since then, the man has entered a guilty plea for three offences and is scheduled to be sentenced later at Southwark Crown Court.

One count of assault resulting in actual bodily injury, one count of criminal damage, and one count of intentionally causing harassment, alarm, or distress are the offences in question.

Following hospitalisation, the judge is presently recuperating at home. Counselling has been extended to him, and senior colleagues are providing support.

Family Law Barristers “Shocked” by Assault

According to the organisation, members of the Family Law Bar Association, or FLBA, which represents barristers in family proceedings, were “shocked” by the attack.

The assault, it was stated, emphasised the dangers that judges and barristers encounter.

The Family Law Bar Association chair, Hannah Markham, stated that attacks remained extremely rare.

She stated that individuals can be “tough to manage” in a courtroom.

“Over the last 40 years we don’t think there has been another example of this,” according to her. “This does not diminish the fact that it is shocking.”

Given that you are confronted with highly delicate details of people’s most private lives, these moments can occur instantly. You can never predict when they will appear.

Family courts preside over both public law cases involving the removal of children from their families and private law cases involving the separation of parents.

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They render decisions concerning the most private matters of families, including the children’s residence and the level of parental contact.

They have the authority to order the placement of children for adoption or to transfer children from their biological parents and place them with other relatives or foster caretakers.

Allegations of violence, marital rape, sexual abuse, and domestic abuse are prevalent.

Increase in Individuals Representing Themselves

As a result of reductions in legal aid, an increasing number of individuals are opting to represent themselves. This is particularly notable in private law proceedings.

Government data indicates that of the nearly 100,000 individuals involved in new private law cases in 2011, approximately 61,000 were represented by an attorney. That number had decreased to under 33,000 out of almost 100,000 individuals by 2022.

The FLBA emphasised the importance of “robust and proper security” for all court users, including attorneys, judges, families, and users.

As stated by the association, security personnel in the courtroom or the corridors beyond were uncommon.

A comprehensive search is conducted at the main entrance. However, observed personnel is absent in the corridors or beyond the courtrooms.

The FLBA proposed that security could be provided within or near the courtroom in situations involving significant allegations, cases deemed “high risk” by family members, solicitors, or the court service itself.

An HM Courts and Tribunals Service spokesperson described the assault as “horrendous” and added that “ministers maintained communication with the judge throughout.”

They stated that such occurrences were “infrequent.” However, they were “immediately reviewing the circumstances” to ensure the safety of justices and staff.

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