UK allocates £140m for aid to Yemen’s most desperate

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By Creative Media News

  • UK pledges £140 million to aid Yemen’s dire situation
  • Andrew Mitchell promises 60% increase in bilateral assistance
  • Houthi actions disrupt international shipping, exacerbating Yemen’s crisis

According to Andrew Mitchell, the government will increase bilateral assistance to the war-torn nation by sixty percent.

According to the deputy foreign secretary, the United Kingdom will spend £140 million the following year to aid Yemenis in need of food during one of the most “acute humanitarian crises in the world.

Following nearly a decade of civil conflict, Andrew Mitchell highlighted the plight of the Yemeni people, who, according to him, were living “on the margins of subsistence.”

Mr. Mitchell committed to enhancing the United Kingdom’s bilateral assistance to Yemen by 60%. He further stated that additional funds would be allocated “directly to aid people in an extremely precarious humanitarian situation.”

He stated that Britain is doing well by rescuing and assisting the most needy individuals in the world.

The intervention of the deputy foreign secretary follows months of reporting from Yemen, in which Yemenis have described in detail how the Gaza conflict has negatively affected the Yemeni people.

Houthi militants from Yemen, supported by Iran, have targeted vessels in the Red Sea region that they accuse of having ties to Israel or aiding its military campaign.

Since November, the Houthi’s recurrent drone and missile assaults have compelled international cargo vessels to reroute and endure more protracted, expensive voyages around the Cape of Good Hope. Consequently, the cost of products in Yemen, which is already one of the world’s poorest nations, has increased.

Nevertheless, despite facing international condemnation, the Houthi’s activities have incited populace rallies in Yemen, wherein solidarity is being expressed with the Palestinians residing in Gaza.

According to Mr. Mitchell, 70% of the food that enters Yemen passes through ports utilized by international ships; as a result, the Houthis‘ actions endanger this food.

He explained that the Houthis‘ efforts to disrupt the flow of international shipping frequently impede its arrival.

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That is a dreadful example of the devastation that the Houthis are causing not only among their people but also among the international community at large.

Mr. Mitchell responded when asked what the international community was doing to promote peace in Yemen: “Well, the United Nations is led by the United Kingdom, to use industry jargon. We, therefore, take the initiative in Yemen.

“Moreover, we have been diligently striving to ensure the success of the negotiations in which the special representative of the United Nations has been engaged.”

“The Saudi situation is drastically different than it was a couple of years ago.” Additionally, a reconciliation process is readily available for implementation.

We strongly encourage all parties involved in Yemen to participate in that peace process to end a dreadful situation that is primarily affecting millions of ordinary Yemenis.

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