Two Palestinians killed as Israel conducts West Bank raids

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By Creative Media News

  • Israeli forces conduct operations in West Bank, resulting in fatalities
  • Palestinian casualties reported; military operations escalate tensions in region
  • Renewed violence prompts condemnation and mourning across Palestinian territories

The Israeli forces have conducted operations in various areas of the occupied West Bank, including Hebron, Nablus, and Ramallah, where they have reportedly shot and killed two Palestinians (Wafa news agency).

Wafa reported, citing two Palestinian security sources, that the men died of their wounds after receiving gunfire.

Two males, according to the Israeli military, attempted to stab and shoot troops in the vicinity of the village.

“Israeli army soldiers in the area retaliated with live fire and neutralised one of the terrorists’ attempts to pierce him,” the military said in a statement on Sunday.

“Concurrently, the second terrorist opened fire on the soldiers,” the army reported, adding that he was “neutralised” as well.

At least fourteen individuals have been slain in three days of incursions into the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank before Sunday’s raids.

Late on Saturday, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported that its personnel had “transported fourteen martyrs from the Nur Shams camp to the hospital.” Ten “fighters” were slain, according to the Israeli army, during the operation that commenced on Thursday.

Sunday, Hamdah Salhut of Al Jazeera reported that at least five active operations were taking place throughout the territory, with the majority of them targeting the Nablus, Hebron, and Ramallah regions.

“In Nablus, at least one Palestinian has been apprehended.” “Israeli forces are reportedly searching for someone inside a residence in the village of Beit Ummar in Hebron,” she reported from occupied East Jerusalem.

Wafa reports that a minimum of four individuals were apprehended in Hebron.

Israel escalated its incursions in the occupied West Bank, which commenced in early December and continued since the commencement of its military operation against Gaza on October 7. Since the commencement of the conflict, Israeli forces or settlers have claimed the lives of a minimum of 482 Palestinians in the West Bet. Over 34,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom were children and women, have been slain in Israeli attacks over the last half-year.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health had previously verified eleven casualties as a result of the Israeli raid, seven of whom were “wounded by live gunfire.” It added that among them was a paramedic who was fired while attempting to assist the injured.

The ministry reported that medical personnel were notified of “a number of fatalities and injuries” within the camp; however, “access to tend to the wounded” was “denied by the army.”

Furthermore, residents contacted by the AFP news agency on Saturday reported that the camp was without power and food was running low, but no one was permitted to enter or exit.

The director of the Palestinian Colonisation and Wall Resistance Commission, Minister Muayad Shaaban, stated that the destruction of infrastructure and homes, shops, the electricity grid, sewage, and water network was a daily occurrence for the Palestinian people.

Nida Ibrahim of Al Jazeera, reporting from Tulkarem early on Sunday, observed emergency personnel attempting to repair the water and electricity lines amidst unprecedented destruction.

“People here claim that this is an even greater tragedy than the second Intifada in the early 2000s,” Ibrahim stated.

“Although we have observed burn indicators in a few residences, we have been informed that an increasing number of homes have been completely consumed by fire.” There is a sense that what is occurring here was intentionally demolished or damaged…You will notice that the roads throughout the camp have been destroyed…The sewage lines and water lines have both ruptured.

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In response to the Nur Shams assault, the governor of Tulkarem, Mustafa Taqatqa, has proclaimed a day of public mourning and a strike.

Wafa quoted him as saying, “None of these atrocities will sway the resolve of our people or their free will, which will ultimately result in the cessation of the occupation and the formation of an independent Palestinian state.”

A 50-year-old ambulance driver was killed by Israeli gunfire near the village of as-Sawiya, south of the city of Nablus, while en route to convey injured people during the attack on the village on Saturday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The military made no immediate statement regarding whether or not he had been slain by Israeli settlers; it remained unclear whether or not this occurred.

Ten percent of Israel’s nearly seven million inhabitants now reside in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which is home to over 700,000 immigrants.

International laws classify all settlements as unlawful in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which proscribes an occupying power from relocating its population to the territory it presently occupies.

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