Iran executes Israeli spy for leaking secrets to Mossad

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By Creative Media News

  • Disclosed secrets to Mossad
  • Israeli spy executed in Iran
  • Ongoing tensions between nations

According to the report, the execution took place on Saturday in a jail located in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchistan.

Iranian media have reported that an Israeli intelligence agent, accused of obtaining secrets, was executed in Iran.

The unidentified agent was charged with disclosing classified information and was linked to foreign intelligence agencies. Including Mossad, according to the Iranian state news agency IRNA.

On Saturday, the Iranian judiciary executed the individual in a jail located in Zahedan, the provincial capital of Sistan and Baluchistan in southeastern Iran.

According to the report, the defendant provided classified information to a “Mossad officer” to bolster “propaganda for organizations and groups opposed to the Islamic Republic.”

The location of the purported handover and the date of the individual’s detention were not specified. However, IRNA reported that the appeal had been denied.

In April 2022, Iranian intelligence personnel arrested three individuals, alleging that they belonged to a Mossad-affiliated organization. It is unclear whether the executed individual was among them.

This execution occurred a day after Baluch militants stormed a police station in the impoverished province, resulting in the fatalities of eleven security personnel and multiple injuries to others.

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Baluchistan’s Unrest and Ongoing Tensions

Rask, where the attack occurred, hosted a state funeral for the soldiers on Saturday, according to state media.

In the ensuing clashes, two Jaish al-Adl militants were also slain.

The province of Sistan-Baluchestan, which shares borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, has historically been the site of frequent gunfights between Sunni militants and security forces.

Sunni Muslims primarily inhabit the province, whereas most Iranians adhere to the Shia faith.

For years, Iran and Israel have exchanged accusations of espionage and covert conflict.

Israel has often threatened military action to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, seeing Iran as its biggest threat.

Iran declares itself incapable of acquiring such weapons and threatens severe retaliation to any aggression.

Iran occasionally arrests espionage suspects for Israel, the US, and others.

In 2020, Iran executed an individual convicted of disclosing information regarding a prominent Islamic Revolutionary Guard general, who was subsequently slain by a US drone strike in Iraq, to the United States and Israel.

Iran provides support to anti-Israeli armed organizations in the region, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and does not recognize Israel.

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