Six people hurt in knife incident at Gare du Nord

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By Creative Media News

Wednesday morning’s knife attack at the international Gare du Nord station in Paris left six people injured, including one in critical condition.

According to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, two off-duty police officers going home after a shift stopped the man.

According to him, the suspect was shot three times and transported to the hospital with critical injuries.

Authorities are attempting to determine whether the attack had a motive.

The attack occurred at 06:42 (05:42 GMT); within one minute, all six victims were injured and the perpetrator was apprehended.

Mr. Darmanin hailed the police for their “courageous and successful” involvement, which he said saved a great number of lives.

Six people hurt in knife incident at gare du nord
Six people hurt in knife incident at gare du nord

He noted that one border patrol agent was among the injured.

Police have yet to identify the individual, who was taken to the hospital without identification credentials.

Mr. Darmanin said criminal detectives, not anti-terror police, are investigating.

During the morning rush, the incident resulted in lengthy train delays at the station. As police surrounded the scene of the attack with a large white curtain and sealed off the station.

The Paris Gare du Nord is one of Europe’s busiest international train stations, with over 700,000 passengers every day.

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