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HomeUncategorizedIncreasing hunger: Argentine soup kitchens fight Milei's cuts

Increasing hunger: Argentine soup kitchens fight Milei’s cuts

  • Soup kitchen queues lengthen
  • President Milei cuts funding
  • Hunger crisis worsens

Despite the unusually high temperature on a Friday morning, the queue in front of the communal soup kitchen in Merlo, an Argentine municipality on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, is exceptionally long, stretching one block.

Some individuals in the queue are first-timers, nervously holding empty plastic containers. Some work, yet the soup kitchen’s rice stew may be their only meal.

Recent weeks have seen a worsening situation across Argentina. As inflation skyrockets, citizens and advocates alike warn of a looming hunger crisis that could devastate the country’s poor.

The brunt of the criticism is directed at libertarian President Javier Milei. His administration has cut government spending, including reallocating funds meant for soup kitchens or “comedores.” This happened just three months into his term, affecting places like the one in Merlo.

“Demand for food has doubled in recent months,” says Liliana Soledad Loto, 38, a cook at the soup kitchen and representative of the social organization Somos Barrios de Pie. “Many more people, including those employed in construction or manufacturing, find they can’t make it through the month. They come out of necessity, not choice.”

Feeding Crisis Amidst Government Cuts

The Padre Mugica feeding kitchen, where she works, is among approximately 38,000 social organizations helping to feed impoverished Argentinians. They serve around 10 million people in a country of 46 million.

However, the actual extent of food insecurity might be even higher, as the most impoverished might not be accounted for. Informal support systems exist in marginalized communities, with people offering free meals or milk to children in need.

This month saw heightened outrage, especially after a confrontation between Sandra Pettovello, a member of Milei’s administration, and protesters. Pettovello heads the newly formed Ministry of Human Capital, overseeing funds for social programs, which have been slashed under Milei to reduce federal debt.

Pettovello’s encounter with protesters at her ministry was broadcasted, where she told them to seek her out directly if they were hungry. The following day, thousands queued outside her office, but were denied a meeting. Instead, an agreement was made to allocate some funds for hunger relief to religious institutions.

Social activist Diego Markus, who runs feeding kitchens in La Matanza, one of Buenos Aires’ poorest areas, agrees with direct aid but highlights the lack of support for public recipients.

Crisis Escalates as Aid Dwindles

Milei’s government accuses community organizations of mismanaging funds, a claim Markus disputes, noting their activities are well-documented and monitored.

The Argentine Episcopal Conference, representing Catholic leadership, has condemned the cuts, emphasizing that food should not be compromised for economic adjustment.

Amidst a severe economic crisis, with an annual inflation rate of about 255% and over 57% of the population living below the poverty line, the future of community kitchens is uncertain. Funding cuts have already impacted their ability to serve the increasing number of people in need.

Zulma Mejia and Veronica Cussimamani, who work at the Sol y Tierra community centre in La Matanza, report a dwindling supply of food and reduced meal provision from daily to biweekly, underscoring the growing crisis.

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