Experts reveal cannabis effects: libido boost to auditory illusions

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By Creative Media News

  • Cannabis effects on the mind: hallucinations, libido boost, memory decline
  • Chemical compounds THC and CBD induce euphoria and relaxation
  • Short-term memory decline, time dilation, and perceived creativity boost

The distinct odor of cannabis will soon permeate student housing and recreational areas throughout the nation as 4/20 approaches once more.

Despite remaining unlawful in the United Kingdom, an estimated 3.1 million individuals regularly smoke, consume, or vape the substance.

Understanding the scientific effects of cannabis on the mind, however, can be difficult, particularly if you have recently inhaled some.

Although cannabis may stimulate auditory hallucinations and increase libido, not all of its effects are as one might anticipate.

The psychoactive properties of cannabis are primarily attributable to two chemicals: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

These are capable of inducing euphoria due to their similarity to naturally occurring compounds in the brain.

The ‘endocannabinoid system’ is an intricate network of chemical messengers and receptors that is distributed throughout the brain and body.

A psychologist from King’s College London, Dr. Will Lawn, described that adjusts the level of communication between brain regions.

Similar to traffic signals, CB1 receptors are located at the junctions of our nerves and regulate the speed or slowness of the brain’s communication chemicals.

THC binds to these CB1 receptors and prevents the release of specific neurotransmitters, including glutamate and dopamine, when marijuana is ingested.

Analogous to a malfunctioning traffic signal, this induces a cessation of activity in various cerebral regions and activates the psychoactive components of the high.

Although this has repercussions throughout the entire body, how marijuana affects you is entirely determined by the location of CB1 receptors, which are most prevalent in the brain.

“We observe that they are highly expressed in the cerebellum, hippocampus, and certain limbic regions, including the amygdala,” explains Dr. Lawn.

The cerebellum is essential for movement regulation, the hippocampus is also critical for movement regulation, and the limbic system is vital for emotional responses.

“These are the three cognitive processes that are significantly impacted by cannabis,” you will acknowledge.

Temporary memory

In addition to the general sense of relaxation and intoxication, cannabis use is frequently associated with a notable decline in short-term memory.

Those who have seen the classic stoner film “Dude, Where’s My Car?” will be familiar with the stoner archetype of the hopelessly bewildered and bumbling individual.

Researchers have documented since the 1970s that high individuals have significant difficulty retaining and processing information in their short-term memory.

Because THC interferes with how the brain processes memory and disrupts signaling in the hippocampus, you may still be able to recall information.

This causes interference with the “working memory,” the cognitive region responsible for expeditiously accessing and modifying information.

Research has shown that this causes attention and concentration difficulties in some consumers.

Interestingly, research has also demonstrated that individuals who smoke frequently and heavily improve their ability to concentrate afterward, as they become accustomed to the effects.

While the impact of cannabis on memory during use is unequivocally established, the evidence regarding its long-term effects is considerably less conclusive.

There is some evidence, according to Dr. Lawn, that long-term use has a minor impact on verbal memory; however, the majority of any residual effects typically vanish once the user ceases use.

“Many cannabis users have exceptional memories and high IQs,” says Dr. Lawn.

There will be a great deal of overlap between heavy cannabis consumers and those who do not use the substance.

Long-term effects on cognitive function and memory are possible, according to Dr. Lawn, but they are typically negligible and the results vary greatly between consumers.

Attenuates the sense of time

This effect is well-known to anyone who has ever consumed an excessive amount of a marijuana brownie, possibly during an ill-advised trip to Amsterdam.

According to cannabis consumers, time appears to pass interminably, as minutes begin to feel like hours.

According to scientific research, the use of cannabis induces a phenomenon called time dilation.

In one study, participants were instructed to press a button once every second for seventy repetitions while receiving either a placebo or THC injection.

Individuals who had received the cannabis dosage executed the task significantly more slowly than those who were sober; specifically, they clicked the button every 1.73 seconds as opposed to 1.49 seconds.

Additional research has demonstrated that individuals under the influence of cannabis tend to significantly overestimate the passage of time.

Other experiments indicate that participants’ decision-making gaps widened and their reaction times decreased after smoking marijuana.

There is no exact explanation for this phenomenon; however, one hypothesis posits that THC interacts with receptors located in the cerebral region accountable for regulating the internal body rhythm.

The suprachiasmatic nucleus is a critical component in the regulation of our circadian rhythm.

The region may be thrown into disarray by the disruptive effects of THC, which may cause us to question the passage of time.


Numerous artists and writers, including Seth Rogan and Salvador Dali, use cannabis to enhance their creativity.

You might feel more in tune with your creative side after smoking, but the science remains more complex.

Self-reported creativity and “convergent thinking” assessments are typically more favorable among cannabis consumers.

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However, when controlling for the receptivity of cannabis users to novel experiences, these effects disappear, indicating that cannabis itself does not stimulate creativity.

To elucidate the phenomenon of heightened creativity experienced by individuals under the influence of cannabis, one must examine the impact of cannabis on their response to creativity.

Although there is no empirical evidence linking cannabis use to enhanced creativity, its intoxicating effects may lead users to perceive their ideas as more innovative.

Even when sober, participants tended to rate their cannabis-fueled ideas as more creative than their sober ideas, according to researchers.

Similarly, individuals under the influence of stone tended to evaluate the creativity of others’ ideas higher than they did when sober.

Thus, while marijuana may not engender creative ideas, it may instill in you the self-assurance and drive to implement them.

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