UK News

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A man is charged with throwing objects at Nigel Farage

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A man has been charged with using menacing behaviour in response to the throwing of objects at Nigel Farage, the leader of the Reform UK party. On Tuesday, Mr Farage was campaigning in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, when the incident occurred while he was riding an open-top bus. According to law enforcement, Josh Greally, 28, has been accused of employing abusive, insulting, and threatening language and actions to incite terror.

Houthi-run TV reports US-UK air strikes on Yemen

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As the Yemeni group targets shipping channels in the Red Sea, the United States and the United Kingdom have conducted six air strikes against targets in Yemen, according to a television station that is controlled by the Houthis. Al Masirah TV reported that four attacks were directed at the airport of Hodeidah, a major port city on the Red Sea, and the seaport of Salif, which is located to the north of the city. The news outlet also reported that two air assaults occurred in the Al-Thawra region, which is located to the north of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.

Britons favor UK breaks for May holiday

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During the early May bank holiday, Mastercard purchasing data indicates a substantial increase in spending on home improvements and staycations. During the period, staycation expenditure in Dorset increased by 29% year over year, while it increased by 24% and 13% in Cornwall and Devon, respectively. The most recent Mastercard SpendingPulse insights data indicates that spending on accommodation in London increased by 11% during the bank holiday.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross to run

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Douglas Ross, the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, intends to participate in the forthcoming general election. Following the party's decision to de-select David Duguid as the Conservative candidate in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, Mr Ross made a surprise announcement. Mr Duguid, ailing, has served as the Member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan since 2017.

Arsenal fan guilty of headbutting ex-Man Utd player

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The former Manchester United and Ireland midfielder was accosted by Scott Law, 43, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, at Arsenal's Emirates Stadium on September 3, 2018. A three-year football ban has been issued to an Arsenal supporter for headbutting Roy Keane during a Premier League match. On September 3, 2013, Scott Law, 43, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, was convicted of assaulting the former Manchester United midfielder.

Liberal Dems promise free adult personal care

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If the Liberal Democrats were in power, free personal care would be provided to elderly or disabled individuals in their homes. An increase in care worker compensation would resolve the hospital crisis and enable individuals to remain in their homes. He stated that the estimated £2.7bn cost of the plans would be covered by reversing the tax concessions granted to large banks by the Conservatives by 2028-29.

Newham baby found in shopping bag had abandoned siblings, court told

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The connection was established after DNA testing on the neonate, which was discovered in sub-zero temperatures in Newham, east London, in January. It has been disclosed that a newborn infant who was abandoned in a shopping bag has two siblings who were also discovered in similar circumstances. DNA testing on the neonate, who was discovered in sub-zero temperatures by a dogwalker in east London earlier this year, has revealed the connection.

Law enforcement arrests 53 around Champions League final

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Most of the 53 arrests made by the police near the Champions League final were for attempting to enter the stadium without a ticket. Five individuals were apprehended for breaching the pitch, according to the Metropolitan Police. It was part of a significant police operation throughout London on Saturday, with over 2,000 officers on duty to police the final.

Sacked British ambassador to Mexico for ‘pointing gun at staff’

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According to reports, Jon Benjamin was on an official trip when he purportedly retrieved a firearm from the vehicle in which he was travelling. The Foreign Office declared it had implemented "appropriate measures" after the incident. The British ambassador to Mexico has been removed from his position following the publication of a video online in which he is seen allegedly brandishing an assault rifle at an embassy employee.

D-Day veteran receives 100th birthday card from King

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King Charles personally presented a 100th birthday card to a D-Day veteran. Jim Miller was granted permission to address the King at Buckingham Palace, where he recounted his experiences during the Normandy landings in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Mr. Miller expressed his humility at having reached such a significant number, particularly in light of the individuals who perished on the Normandy beaches decades ago.

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