Science News

Unravel the mysteries of science news on breakthroughs, research, and innovations from Creative Media News.

Scientist discovers cause of ‘Pharaoh’s curse’ from King Tut’s tomb

Creative Media News

The 'Pharaoh's curse,' which was postulated to have claimed the lives of over twenty individuals since the opening of King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, has reportedly been deciphered by a physicist.  Ross Fellowes concludes that the deaths may have had a biological cause, whereas an ancient Egyptian text threatens 'death by a disease that no doctor can diagnose' to anyone who disturbs royal mummified remains.

Stolen pets cause emotional trauma similar to losing a kid

Creative Media News

The indomitable connection that pets and their owners form is common knowledge.  Now, research confirms that they truly do feel like members of the family, as the psychological anguish associated with losing a child is comparable to that of having a dog taken, according to one study.  In interviews with owners whose dogs had been stolen, researchers inquired about the owners' requirements and experiences.

Human foods, like salmon and eggs, contribute to dog obesity

Creative Media News

Numerous dog proprietors engage in this activity on a daily basis. However, recent research may alter your mind about hiding leftovers under the dinner table for your dog. Among the human foods that may be contributing to your pet's obesity are scrambled eggs and broiled salmon, according to the study.

‘I am not a robot’ captchas increasingly challenging

Creative Media News

The reason why captchas are becoming more challenging to decipher is because algorithms are outsmarting you. Initially, the 'I'm not a robot' prompt required users to duplicate a sequence of letters and numbers or identify every bus in a series of images, tasks that were frequently challenging to misinterpret. However, more recent iterations require users to choose objects that share the same shape or to click on the non-aquatic animal.

Study says attractive female looks make males more honest

Creative Media News

According to one study, the presence of attractive female faces may influence males to exhibit more honest behavior. Male participants in an experiment cheated less frequently when shown an image of an attractive woman, according to researchers. Female participants, on the other hand, exhibited less honesty when confronted with an identical image.

Female gamers compete for thousands at inaugural UK event

Creative Media News

"A case of Red Bull" is what one of the competing women recollects from her past involvement in the competition. Teams will compete this weekend for a prize pool of £15,000. On Saturday, the first professional women's gaming tournament of its kind begins in the United Kingdom. The most-viewed esports game in women's competitions, the first-person shooter Valorant, will be competed in by four professional gaming teams.

Bees survive underwater for a week, despite lab accident

Creative Media News

A group of scientists made the "shock" discovery that bees can survive for an entire week submerged in water by accident while experimenting. The primary objective of the research conducted in 2022 was to determine how pesticide residues in soil affected queen bees that were hibernating underground.

Alien-harboring planets might emit a unique purple hue

Creative Media News

Existence beyond Earth is one of the most significant unanswered scientific concerns. Moreover, where does it conceal itself? At this time, Cornell University scientists believe they have significantly advanced in their quest for extraterrestrial life. They assert in a new study that planets that may be home to extraterrestrial life may emit a distinct purple hue.

McDonald’s Coke’s taste secret revealed by food scientist

Creative Media News

There is now a scientific explanation for why McDonald's Coca-Cola has long been regarded as a premium soft drink compared to other fast-food and restaurant establishments. According to food scientist Abby Thiel, the superior flavour, additional bubbles, and flavorful appearance of the carbonated beverage result from how the chain processes it.

Tesla seeks support for Elon Musk’s $56bn compensation

Creative Media News

On Wednesday, Tesla requested that its shareholders reaffirm their approval of CEO Elon Musk's unprecedented $56 billion compensation, established in 2018 but subsequently denied by a Delaware judge in January. In lieu of a salary or cash incentive, the compensation is contingent on Tesla's market value increasing to a maximum of $650 billion within the following decade. Tesla is valued at more than $500 billion, per LSEG data.

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