RSF takes army bases in Sudan, forcing mass exodus

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By Creative Media News

  • RSF seizes army bases.
  • Refugees flee to Chad.
  • Sexual violence in Darfur.

Videos purport to show paramilitary forces apprehending Sudanese army personnel, while humanitarian organizations have issued dire warnings that a substantial number of individuals continue to be displaced due to the ongoing violence.

RSF Advances in Darfur

Thousands of individuals have been placed in further peril as Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan have captured three out of every four army headquarters in each of the state capitals of Darfur.

Refugees Flee to Chad

Thousands of mothers and infants have fled the violence into Chad this month, according to charities.

The recent advancements made by the RSF are the most concerning developments in more than six months of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the RSF’s former security allies, and the national army, and the paramilitary organization, formerly known as the “janjaweed” militia from Darfur.

Humanitarian Crisis

Earlier this year, an RSF-SAF conflict for political dominance erupted in violence, claiming the lives of thousands of individuals.

The RSF captured the 15th infantry division army headquarters in Ardamata, a suburb of Al Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, which contains the city’s barracks and an internally displaced persons’ camp, as a full-scale siege was in progress.

Videos show the RSF apprehending military people and attacking and flogging young men and boys with guns.

They chant “Sons of b*****!” while continuing to deliver strikes that induce the dust to ascend.

Rsf takes army bases in sudan, forcing mass exodus
Rsf takes army bases in sudan, forcing mass exodus

The identities of the civilians portrayed in this video were confirmed by a variety of Darfur human rights observers. These people were held at Ardamata and punished for their Masalit tribe membership and supposed army loyalty.

“No one could enter or exit.”

The army demands assurances in return for their withdrawal, according to a resident of Al Geneina.

They further stated, “However, the Arabs have stated they will not release the head of army intelligence, even if he surrenders, claiming he caused them a great deal of trouble and caused the deaths of many.”

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Another resident provides a description of the confinement.

Individuals who managed to escape Ardamata proceeded towards the city of Al Geneina on foot.

However, during the time of sunset prayer, the road was inaccessible; those who were inside were not permitted to leave, and those who were outside were not permitted to enter.

Following this, she proceeds to provide a list of the roads that were closed.

“The Um Duweim Way was obstructed.” “Access to Durti was also restricted, and individuals were assaulted, and their mobile devices seized,” according to her.

“The only way was through Tile’a, but some people also said it is closed, and they are looting people who try and take that way.”

Thousands were forced to traverse the frontier while it was still dark.

Another Al Geneina resident texted that the 15th infantry division was besieged everywhere.

“El Fashir and El Deain will be under our control shortly,” the RSF declared.

It is with great assurance that we declare that 90% of Darfur is presently under our complete protection; should our leadership so dictate, we will immediately reestablish absolute power.

Decades of liberated soldiers and civilians ultimately retreated to Chad, where they formally ceased hostilities.

They were incorporated, according to the border authority, by the long-established Sudan-Chad joint frontier force.

As per the findings of Médecins Sans Frontières, a total of 7,000 people crossed the border separating eastern Chad and West Darfur in the first three days of November.

A considerable number of them are mothers and children who fled with nothing.

A resident’s voicemail says the men tried to release the women despite being forbidden.

According to multiple Al Geneina sources, hundreds of people were purportedly killed during the takeover; however, the precise number of casualties is unknown and challenging to determine.

Gender-based sexual violence is committed against women.

The RSF’s besiegement of Ardamata is essentially identical to their citywide massacre of Al Geneina on 15 June.

This pattern is conducive to an increase in sexual assaults against women, according to a human rights defender and researcher of gender-based violence from Al Geneina who fled after the June atrocity.

She requests anonymity to say these men’s executions will reveal several widowed women.

I observed these militias sexually assaulting women, including little girls and the elderly. These women are also subjected to mass displacement and whipping by the RSF.

Since the unrest erupted on April 15, many young women and girls have told her about sexual assault.

She says RSF-injured women can no longer defend themselves.

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