One killed in New Hampshire psychiatric hospital shooting

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By Creative Media News

  • Lobby Shooting
  • Victim and Response
  • Hospital Security

Police say an officer returned fire on an armed suspect who had opened fire in the lobby of a psychiatric hospital in New Hampshire, murdering the guard before the suspect was killed.

A hospital-assigned officer reportedly “immediately engaged and fatally shot” the suspect, according to officials. The law enforcement officer was unharmed.

The motive and identity of the assailant, however, remain unknown to the police.

The initial number of “multiple victims” reported by officials was subsequently reduced.

Tragic Loss of Security Officer Bradley Haas

The identified victim was 63-year-old security officer Bradley Haas, who was stationed at the front entrance.

Despite receiving CPR, the law enforcement veteran succumbed to his injuries at Concord Hospital.

On Friday evening, police spokesman Colonel Mark Hall told reporters that the suspect had entered the hospital atrium and fatally shot an unidentified individual.

The suspect was promptly apprehended and slain by a state trooper. The situation, according to Col. Hall, was “confined to the front lobby.”

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His statement, in which officers were at work to determine the identity of the shooter, was given while he declined to identify the deceased victim.

A suspicious box truck near the site was searched and determined to pose no threat, according to officials.

Hospital Operations and Assurance

Commissioner Lori Weaver of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, who was also present at the conference, stated that all hospital personnel and patients were in good health and that all operations were proceeding according to schedule.

The hospital, boasting an approximate capacity of 185 beds, nevertheless designates itself on its website as the ‘premier acute psychiatric hospital in the state.’

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