Israeli forces fire tear gas at celebrating West Bank crowds

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By Creative Media News

  • West Bank crowd awaits
  • Detainee release sparks chaos
  • Israeli forces use crowd-control tactics

Amid both joy and tension, tens of thousands awaited the arrival of Israeli-liberated detainees.

Crowds in the West Bank thrilled at the release of Palestinian detainees as part of a hostage negotiation when the Israeli military discharged tear gas and stun grenades.

On Friday evening, thousands assembled in the vicinity of Ramallah to await the release of 39 women and children by a truce agreement in which Hamas also liberated 24 hostages.

Tension and Anarchy Unfold

Dominic Waghorn, editor-in-chief of international affairs for Sky, reported from the location that as a coach transporting some of the prisoners arrived, tension and anarchy ensued.

Tactics and Reactions

As they attempted to drive the crowd back, Israeli forces were observed possibly deploying rounds of live ammunition in addition to tear gas and stun grenades.

As the audience celebrated, he stated, some individuals waved green Hamas flags and chanted pro-Hamas slogans, which prompted this reaction.

Additionally, scenes of ire ensued as demonstrators chanted, “We want our prisoners,” while awaiting their release.

However, as the detainees were released, “jubilation” and a “carnival atmosphere” also pervaded the area.

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Predominantly adolescent girls and boys in coaches, with some making V-shaped signals of victory while smiling as they passed.

Some of those who had been liberated were subsequently carried on their shoulders by ebullient attendees.

Israel is anticipated to free 150 Palestinian detainees, all of whom are female, minor, or adolescent, during the four-day ceasefire.

After months or years in prison, most will return to the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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