31 people are killed by flash flooding in Afghanistan

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By Creative Media News

  • Flash Floods Claim Lives and Cause Extensive Damage
  • Jalrez District Hit Hard with Fatalities and Property Loss
  • Urgent Aid Needed for Disaster Zone in Afghanistan

Since Friday, flash floods caused by torrential rain have killed 31 people and left more than 40 others missing.

Shafiullah Rahimi, Ministry of Disaster Management spokesman, reported substantial property and agricultural damage.

The deluge destroyed hundreds of earthen houses in Jalrez, Maidan Wardak province, 46 km east of Kabul, killing 26 people.

Four more people were killed in Kabul, and over seventy people were injured in both districts.

According to government spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, urgent aid is being hurried to the Jalrez district’s primary disaster zone.

31 people are killed by flash flooding in afghanistan
31 people are killed by flash flooding in afghanistan

Mujahid issued a message of condolence, urging humanitarian organizations and the Kabul government to assist the bereaved families.

Despite Afghanistan’s location on the western border of the monsoon’s influence zone, flash floods are a common occurrence during the wet season due to heavy rainfall coursing down dry riverbeds.

Since Friday, the spokesman for the Ministry of Disasters, Rahimi, told a press conference that 604 houses in Jalrez had been completely or partially devastated, along with hundreds of acres of agricultural land and orchards.

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