US weighs fund cut to feared Israeli army unit

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By Creative Media News

  • US considers funding cut to notorious Israeli military unit
  • Palestinians recount harrowing encounters with Netzah Yehuda soldiers
  • Israeli government faces backlash as US mulls funding reduction

It is anticipated that the United States government will isolate Netzah Yehuda and sever its funding, marking the inaugural instance of such an action directed at an Israeli military organization.

On the West Bank, the road leading to the village of Jiljiliya is anything but typical. The route is flanked by imposing residences featuring grand gates and opulent embellishments.

Because Palestinian Americans return here after years of laborious pursuits in the land of opportunity to construct their ideal homes.

Similar to Omar Assad, who returned to Milwaukee after 45 years away. However, his retirement was neither lengthy nor enjoyable. It was abruptly terminated during a frigid January night in 2022.

While on his way back from a card game, he encountered a sham checkpoint that had been erected by the infamous Israeli military unit Netzah Yehuda.

Because he refused to cooperate, the 78-year-old was detained with force, according to the IDF.

Mraweh Mahmoud was in his presence.

He stated that as they alighted us from the vehicle, they shoved me by the head. The soldier who was standing there inserted an M16 into my mind and threatened to murder me.

According to Mr. Mahmoud, Mr. Assad was bound, gagged, and blindfolded before being compelled to recline next to him. Upon the eventual departure of the military, Mr. Mahmoud realized that Mr. Assad had passed away.

He stated, “I removed his jacket from his head, verified that he had no pulse, and yelled Omar, Omar.”

According to Palestinian physicians, Mr. Assad passed away at subzero temperatures from a heart attack induced by tension. An Israeli military report criticized the “moral failure and poor decision-making” of the soldiers.

There is no correlation between fatalities and soldier errors, according to military prosecutors.

The battalion commander of Netzah Yehuda received a reprimand, and two officers were terminated. However, Israeli military prosecutors opted not to pursue criminal charges against the soldiers, arguing that there was no correlation between their errors and the demise of Mr. Assad.

However, it is now anticipated that the United States government will reduce funding to the unit from which the soldiers originated, marking the first time such a measure has been taken against any portion of the Israeli military.

The unit may be subject to the Leahy Law, which prohibits US assistance to foreign military units whose governments fail to take adequate action in the face of egregious human rights violations, according to reports.

What caused Netzah Yehuda to acquire notoriety?

The Netzah Yehudah battalion was formed to assist ultra-orthodox Jews with their military service. It combines warfare and religion. Others, however, are members of extremist settler organizations.

It has acquired notoriety due to its involvement in numerous cases of alleged Palestinian abuse, many of which were captured on the personal phones of its personnel. Prosecutors have brought charges against its soldiers for alleged human rights violations, including unlawful executions, electrocution, torture, and sexual assault.

The government of Israel has conducted a defensive maneuver in anticipation of the impending US action.

This week, its defense minister Yoav Galant expressed solidarity with the battalion’s soldiers by stating, “No one in the world can teach us about morals and values.” The prospect was deemed preposterous by the prime minister.

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The Israeli government, according to one organization of ex-soldiers opposed to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, is cognizant of the fact that this may only be the start of resistance against its military.

“They are appalled by the potential repercussions.”

They are cognizant of the fact that this could potentially expose the true nature of the occupation and how the military occupies millions of people.

Furthermore, because Pandora’s box is beginning to be unveiled in recent months, I believe they are apprehensive about the potential repercussions to maintain their occupation.

Mr. Assad’s family in Jilijilya embraces reports that the United States will take action against the soldiers they hold responsible for his death, but that is not enough; they demand that they also be brought to justice.

Mr. Assad’s widow, Nazmia, stated, “God willing, it will be good if they do this; however, they should be punished similarly to how they treated him: arrested and fired from their positions.”

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