US Fifth Republican Debate: Key Points

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By Creative Media News

  • Two candidates for Republican debate
  • Trump leads Iowa polls
  • Key issues and clashes anticipated

Thereafter, only two candidates remained for Wednesday’s fifth Republican Party debate in the 2024 United States presidential election cycle: former United Nations envoy Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

This marks the smallest turnout for a primary debate in the 2024 campaign to date, just days before the Iowa caucuses, the start of the United States primary season on January 15.

While former President Donald Trump continues to lead in recent polls, the Iowa caucuses provide an opportunity to gauge his support relative to other Republican candidates.

The CNN-hosted debate on Wednesday features only Haley and DeSantis, as other candidates failed to qualify. The occasion, taking place at 8:00 PM local time (02:00 GMT), allows the two candidates to directly confront each other.

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Although Trump met eligibility requirements for the Iowa debate, he chose not to participate, opting for a Fox News town hall interview in Des Moines. His decision has faced opposition from Republican rivals like DeSantis.

Trump’s lead in Iowa polls, as of January 8, positions him significantly ahead, with 50% support among Republican primary voters, compared to DeSantis (18.4%) and Haley (15.7%).

The Iowa event is expected to address key Republican concerns, such as immigration, the economy, and foreign policy, with potential discussions on conservative credentials, China, Israel’s military campaign, and differing views on Trump.

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