Pentagon warns America unprepared for alien invasion

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By Creative Media News

  • Pentagon lacks defense against aliens
  • UAP reports remain uncoordinated
  • OIG issues 11 recommendations

The United States lacks the necessary capabilities to defend against a hypothetical extraterrestrial invasion, according to Pentagon watchdogs operating internally.

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), which the Department of Defence (DoD) has renamed Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), lack a comprehensive or coordinated effort to monitor and analyze them, according to a newly declassified document.

The alarming conclusion reached by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is that this vulnerability in the Department of Defense’s defensive capabilities “endangers military forces and national security.”

The OIG has issued eleven recommendations to resolve the concerns raised in this report, which encompass the development of new tools and the enforcement of protection policies in anticipation of an extraterrestrial assault.

“Efforts by the Department of Defence to identify and comprehend unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) have been spotty due to competing priorities, insufficient substantive progress, and inconclusive results,” states the evaluation of the DoD’s actions concerning UAP, which was previously published in August 2023.

Military pilots have continued to report UAP incidents, notwithstanding the Department of Defense’s intermittent efforts to identify, write, and analyze the occurrences.

Evaluations of whether the Pentagon, military branches, defense agencies, and counterintelligence organizations implemented measures “to detect, report, collect, analyze, and identify UAP” were compiled in the 2023 report.

Challenges in UAP Response Planning

OIG concluded, “The Department of Defense has not issued a comprehensive UAP response plan that specifies coordination procedures, roles, responsibilities, and requirements for detecting, reporting, collecting, analyzing, and identifying UAP incidents.”

The evaluation was conducted by the agency between May 2021 and June 2023, during which time it conducted interviews and reviewed presidential and DoD policies, directives, and guidance.

It is the responsibility of these individuals to establish standards for intelligence gathering, counterintelligence, force protection, and civil liberties.

Individual military departments consequently disorganize and centralize the Department of Defense’s response to UAP incidents.

The Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in July 2022 to manage UAP reports.

The coordination and standardization of UAP incident collection, analysis, and identification task the AARO.

A summary of the classified report, however, cast doubt on the nation’s capacity to organize and defend itself, as stated by the OIG.

OIG determined that AARO has yet to establish a formal process to detect and report on unidentified objects in U.S. airspace due to a lack of guidance at the DoD level.

Military officials classify UAPs as “Special Interest Items” and mandate that aircrews record and communicate sightings of UAPs within 24 hours subsequent to deactivating their aircraft’s engines.

According to the report, the DoD does not require military services to forward some of these unexplained observations to AARO.

Recommendations for UAP Policies

In developing UAP policies and procedures, “DoD Components have largely excluded geographic combatant commands, which are responsible for detecting, deterring, and preventing threats and attacks against the United States and its possessions, bases, and territories in their respective areas of responsibility,” the OIG concluded in the 16-page document.

In response to the concerns raised in the report, the DoD OIG has provided the Under Secretary of Defence for Intelligence and Security with eleven recommendations.

The report states, “For instance, the OIG suggested that the DoD issue a policy to integrate UAP-related roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures with existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures.”

The report additionally recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff guide “geographic combatant commanders” concerning the detection, reporting, collection, analysis, and identification of unidentified anomalous phenomena within their respective domains of authority.

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The guidance should, at the very least, encompass instruments that assist commands in discerning the dangers presented by unidentified anomalous phenomena.

Thursday, Inspector General Robert P. Storch declared the report declassified, citing “significant public interest in how the DoD is addressing UAPs” as the reason for its dissemination.

Storch also stated in a statement, “We are releasing this unclassified summary to be as transparent as possible with the American people regarding our oversight efforts on this crucial issue.”

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