Obama: ‘Do not boo – vote’ sequel ‘typically worse’ than first movie as he attacks Trump

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By Creative Media News

  • Obamas rally support for Kamala Harris at Democratic Convention
  • Barack Obama criticizes Trump, warns against another term
  • Michelle Obama endorses Harris, says “hope is making a comeback”

As the main acts on the second night of the Democratic National Convention, the Obamas returned to the national stage to promote Kamala Harris and take many punches at Donald Trump.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have warned that the sequel is “usually worse” than the original film as they try to mobilise their party against Donald Trump.

Speaking on the second night of the Democratic National Convention, President Obama stated that the country does not require another four years of “bluster” and “chaos.

We’ve seen that movie before, and we’re all aware that the sequel is always worse, he said.

It’s been a never-ending flood of complaints, and it’s just become worse now that he’s frightened of losing to Kamala, he said.

“There are juvenile nicknames, wild conspiracy theories, and a strange fixation with crowd sizes… It simply goes on and on.

Criticising Mr Trump’s record while in power, the crowd booed noisily, prompting Mr Obama to respond in an unscripted moment: “Do not boo – vote.”

We have a chance to elect someone who has spent her entire life trying to offer others the same opportunities that America provided her, he said the gathering, after Ms Harris was confirmed as the party’s nominee for the November election.

In an homage to outgoing President Joe Biden, who defeated Donald Trump in the previous election, he stated that history will remember him for “defending democracy at a time of great danger.”

Listing the things he thought the next president needs to undertake to show the American people that democracy can deliver, he said, recalling the iconic slogan of his own presidential 2008 campaign, “Kamala will be that president. “Yes, she can.”

Hope is making a comeback.

Mr Obama was introduced by his wife, Michelle, who is the party’s top choice for future president.

Mrs. Obama received a long and loud applause when she told the convention, “America, hope is making a comeback.”

She praised Ms Harris as one of the “most qualified” candidates to ever run for the job.

Taking aim at Mr Trump, she asked, “Who is going to tell him that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those black jobs?”

She was responding to Mr Trump’s baseless remark earlier this summer that immigrants are taking “black jobs”.

While Ms Harris was not at the convention to reply to the Obamas’ support, she did speak at a campaign rally in Milwaukee, where she stated that the election will be a “tight race until the very end.

We have some hard work ahead of us, but we enjoy hard work; hard work is good work, she explained.

Former Trump supporters turn

Meanwhile, during a campaign speech in Howell, Michigan, Mr Trump repeated unsubstantiated claims that Ms Harris was lax with law enforcement.

“You can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread,” he told me. You get shot, mugged, and raped.

He spoke one month after white nationalists held a rally in the small town, with about a dozen people chanting “Heil Hitler” and carrying “White Lives Matter” placards.

‘Basement dwellers’

Former Republicans who had grown disillusioned with Mr Trump’s leadership spoke at the Democratic convention, including former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham.

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She said she became a member of Mr Trump’s family and was a “true believer” rather than a supporter.

Behind closed doors, she claims, he mocks his fans, calling them “basement dwellers”.

He “got mad that the cameras were not watching him” during a hospital visit, she recounted.

He lacks empathy, morals, and fidelity to the truth, she added. He used to tell me, ‘It doesn’t matter what you say Stephanie, just say it enough and people will believe you.

Ms Harris “tells the truth,” she added, echoing the sentiment of John F. Kennedy’s grandson, who said she possesses the same “energy, vision, and optimism for the future” as his grandpa.

Celebrities also attended, with rapper Lil Jon performing Turn Down for What to introduce delegates from Georgia and actress Eva Longoria representing Texas.

Aside from the convention, dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators attacked a queue of police outside the Israeli consulate in Chicago.

After the larger crowd dispersed into smaller groupings, additional skirmishes with police resulted in more than a dozen arrests.

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