Biden confirms strong US support for Israel post-Iran attacks

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By Creative Media News

  • Iran launches 300+ drones and missiles at Israel
  • US, UK, and France provide defensive support to Israel
  • Leaders condemn attack, urge restraint for regional stability

Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles at Israel in an attack, but no Israeli citizens were killed and the United States, the United Kingdom, and France all provided defensive support.

Joe Biden has reaffirmed the United States’ “ironclad” commitment to Israel’s security in the wake of Iran’s “unprecedented” attack, in which it launched over 300 drones and missiles.

Israel was targeted by over 300 drones and missiles, of which 120 were ballistic missiles and 30 were cruise missiles, in addition to those launched from Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

According to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, “a number” of Iranian attack drones were brought down by the RAF.

He verified that “additional aircraft” were dispatched by the United Kingdom to the region in support of ongoing operations in Iraq and Syria.

“It would have been difficult to overstate the consequences for regional stability” if Iran’s attack on Israel had been effective, he continued.

I had no choice but to strongly condemn this perilous and unwarranted escalation.

Reportedly, American aircraft shot down Iranian drones over northern Syria.

“Poised and prepared for further aggression” is the statement of IDF spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner.

Additionally, he referred to Israel’s defence as a “unity of reasonable players against Iran’s diabolical scheme.”

When queried about Israel’s response, he stated: “That is an excellent inquiry. We are currently awaiting the decision of the government, which will convene later today and subsequently issue directives to the military on those decisions.

Late Saturday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency war cabinet to discuss the situation, while US President Joe Biden convened an emergency meeting with senior security officials in Washington.

Mr Biden reaffirmed the United States’ “ironclad” commitment to “Israel’s security against threats from Iran and its proxies” in a statement issued after the meeting.

Just hours after the Iranian assault, northern Israel was bombarded with rockets by Lebanon, which in turn prompted Israel to launch its missiles.

On 1 April, an “attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus” prompted the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran to declare resistance.

Seven members of the IRGC and two generals were killed in the assault, which Tehran attributed to Israel. Israel has not commented publicly.

A senior Israeli source, however, informed Channel 12 TV early on Sunday morning that Israel was preparing a “significant response” to the Iranian drone barrage.

“Further defensive measures” would be implemented “without hesitation” to “protect its legitimate interests against any military aggressions,” according to the Iranian foreign ministry.

If Israel retaliates against Iran, the response will be “significantly greater than last night’s,” according to Iranian military chief of staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri on state television. Tehran will be retaliatory if its “interests, officials, or citizens” are targeted, according to IRG commander Hossein Salami.

Shrapnel “severely injured” a seven-year-old.

Defence Forces of Israel (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari stated at a news conference that an interception rate of “99%” applied to the projectiles.

A seven-year-old, according to Mr. Hagari, “was severely injured by shrapnel.” We extend our sincere hopes for their speedy recuperation.

Except for those individuals mentioned, no other casualties have been reported thus far, and this incident remains ongoing.

The Middle East was driven towards escalation by Iran, he continued. We shall undertake any course of action required to safeguard Israel.

Aircraft sirens are operational in Israel.

Both the White House and the IDF issued a warning to evacuate their dwellings in the Golan Heights, Nevatim, Dimona, and Eilat as soon as the Iranian attack was declared to have commenced.

The IDF reports that Tehran launched over 300 drones and missiles, in addition to 30 cruise missiles, of which 25 were intercepted outside the borders of Israel.

They reported that the majority of the missiles were “successfully intercepted” by Israeli air defence forces and strategic allies before they arrived in Israel.

Although the Nevatim Air Force base was targeted and attacked, Mr. Hagari stated that “slight damage to infrastructure alone” prevented it from continuing to operate.

Additionally, according to Mr. Hagari, Israel was targeted with 120 ballistic missiles, but only a handful were able to cross the border.

Two Iraqi security sources informed Reuters that unmanned aerial vehicles flew in the direction of Israel after passing through Iraqi airspace en route from Iran.

Channel 12 TV was informed by Amos Yadlin, a retired general in the Israeli Air Force, that each of the drones is carrying 20 kilogrammes of explosives.

A ‘unprecedented’ assault

The attack carried out by Iran and its “proxies operating out of Yemen, Syria, and Iraq,” according to Mr. Biden, was “unprecedented.”

He vehemently denounced the incident and stated that within the previous week, the United States military had deployed ballistic missile defence destroyers and aircraft to the area.

In response to “Iran’s brazen attack,” he also spoke with Mr Netanyahu and reaffirmed his “ironclad” support for Israel, adding that he intended to convene the G7’s other leaders.

“Attack undermines regional security even further.”

British, French, and American aircraft contributed to the Israeli response to the attack.

Additional RAF aircraft and air refuelling tankers have been deployed to the region to “bolster” Operation Shader, the United Kingdom’s ongoing counter-IS operation in Iraq and Syria, according to a statement by Defence Secretary Grant Shapps.

Moreover, he stated that the jets will intercept airborne assaults within the range of our current missions.

“I condemn vehemently the irrational aerial assault that Iran has executed against Israel. Its sole purpose is to exacerbate the deterioration of regional security.

According to security sources consulted by the news agency Reuters, Israeli drones traversing Jordanian airspace en route to Syria were also reportedly shot down by Jordanian jets. This is despite Tehran having previously warned Jordan not to interfere with the operations.

Several hours after the attacks, Israeli aviation authorities reopened the country’s airspace to all aircraft. Previously, they had restricted access to all flights.

“Operational considerations” have thrust the Wing of Zion, Israel’s Air Force One, into flight. Mr. Hagari further stated that the situation was “still unfolding” and that Israel maintained border surveillance.

“A reckless assault”

Israel had previously cancelled youth excursions and other activities scheduled for the upcoming days.

Both Jordan and Iraq, according to state media, temporarily closed their airspace. Each has since reopened.

Egypt declared its air defences to be vigilant.

Today, Etihad Airways ceased operations in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Amman, Jordan.

Rishi Sunak, prime minister of the United Kingdom, condemned “in the strongest terms” the irresponsible attack by the Iranian regime against Israel.

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He further stated, “Iran has demonstrated once more that it is determined to sow disorder in its own backyard.”

The United Kingdom will maintain its commitment to safeguarding the security of Israel and all its regional allies, such as Iraq and Jordan.

Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, stated, “We strongly denounce the Iranian regime’s decision to launch these abhorrent assaults against Israelis.

Regrettably, Iran has once more chosen a perilous course of action despite the unanimous call for restraint from the international community.

In a similar vein, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres exhorted “maximum restraint” and Saudi Arabia urged all parties to exercise “utmost levels” of restraint and spare the region and its people the perils of war.

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