Biden calls Trump’s NATO attacks ‘shameful’ and ‘un-American’

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By Creative Media News

  • Biden criticizes Trump’s NATO remarks
  • Urges Congress for Ukraine funding
  • Concerns rise over Trump victory

Donald Trump, his likely opponent for the 2024 presidential election, and his remarks concerning NATO have been labelled “dangerous” and “un-American” by United States President Joe Biden. Biden further stated that Trump’s comments heightened the urgency for the US Congress to approve additional funding to support Ukraine.

On Tuesday at the White House, the Democratic president criticised a statement made by Trump over the weekend that cast doubt on the United States‘ willingness to assist Western defence alliance members in the event of an attack.

Biden stated that the comments made by Trump, the Republican frontrunner for the presidency, increased the urgency for Congress to approve his long-stalled request for funding to aid Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

He stated, “The stakes for American security were already high before this bill was passed by the Senate.” In recent times, however, the stakes have risen. “This is because the former president has communicated to the world a seriously dangerous and, to put it bluntly, unpatriotic message.”

On Saturday, during a rally in South Carolina, Trump criticised payments by NATO members that he termed “delinquent” and recalled a conversation he purportedly had with the leader of “a major country” regarding the possibility of a Russian attack.

“I would not offer you protection,” Indeed, I would advocate for Russia to undertake any course of action it desires. “You must pay,” Trump asserted he told the unidentified leader.

Trump’s remarks, according to Biden, constituted an invitation to Russia to invade U.S. allies.

“Can you conceive of a former president of the United States expressing such sentiments? The world heard the word. “Most significantly, he means it,” Biden continued.

“At no point in American history has a president submitted to a Russian dictator.” Permit me to state this with the utmost clarity: I never will.”

Biden criticised Trump’s remarks regarding a Senate-approved $95.34 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, urging Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson to put the measure to a vote in the House of Representatives. He stated, “Forget the word of God, it’s foolish, disgraceful, dangerous, and un-American.”

Biden stated that failing to provide financial support for the Ukraine conflict would be tantamount to endorsing Vladimir Putin, adding that the Russian president’s aggression could extend further into Europe than Ukraine.

According to its statute, NATO, a military alliance of two North American and 29 European nations, must defend attacking members.

Trump has previously expressed his disapproval of the alliance.

Trump, while president, threatened to withdraw the United States from NATO. He also suggested reducing U.S. funding for the organisation and complained on multiple occasions that the United States contributes more than it should.

As the conflict in Ukraine approaches its second year, apprehensions have increased regarding the consequences of a possible Trump victory in November.

Although Ukraine is not a NATO member, the alliance has played a significant role in providing assistance to Kyiv’s military defences through a US-led initiative.

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