Ukrainian allies open the tap on the Tankies.

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By Creative Media News

The combat in the nearby settlements of Novoselivs’ke and Kuzemivka continues north of Svatove. Russian soldiers have been pushed to the eastern outskirts of Kuzemivka, and additional forces have been rushed in from the east to maintain control of this location.

In a peculiar reversal of the script, Russian military officials assert that their troops are “waging a superhuman defense against Zerg waves” of Ukrainian soldiers.

According to reports, Ukrainian forces marching north from Bilohorivka have gained gains along the Siverskyi Donets River in the south.

Ukraine's allies open the tap on the tankies.
Ukrainian allies open the tap on the tankies.

According to Reuters and other sources, Poland plans to petition Germany for authorization to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine… then send them regardless of what Germany decides. German sources imply that Berlin is aware that it has lost control of the situation.

Once again, it’s time to check in on our favorite fools, the tankies. Prior editions can be found, here, here, and here. As a reminder, or for the uninitiated, a Tankie is an individual who believes imperialism is bad and that only the United States can be imperialist. American imperialism is responsible for everything else, and I do mean everything. It looks like this.

Thus, the tankies (named after leftists who continued to defend the Soviet Union even after its violent suppression of pro-democracy movements in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968) absolve Russia of all blame for its overtly imperialistic invasion of Ukraine, claiming that Russia was “forced” to do it and “had no choice” due to American imperialism.

Ukrainian allies open the tap on the Tankies

It is a peculiar worldview. It never occurred to me that there would be people who believe imperialism is acceptable as long as it is not American. These types of mental acrobatics result in severe mental contortions, hence the amusing aspect of this irregular feature. So let’s get in and see how the Tankies performed this week!

This is ridiculously simple. Invading Ukraine, Russia has massacred tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, including children. To maximize the suffering, they are systematically destroying civilian infrastructure.

Yet Russia lacks the power to win the war, resulting in a stalemate with barely any movement along the contact lines. Therefore, either this conflict continues eternally, with hundreds of military and dozens of civilians dying daily, or Ukraine is provided with the means to push Russia out and liberate the region, resulting in peace.

I was going to respond, “This is akin to stating that the United States’ involvement in World War II against the Axis forces did not bring peace,” but then I remembered that this is the same person who says that Hitler only slaughtered millions of Jews because the United States entered the war. What about a second?

That is exactly how it sounds, fucking great. Moreover, it appears that the United States could do more, such as sending ATACMS long-range rockets, M1 Abrams main combat tanks, and F16 fighter jets. Still, there is hope!

This pupil, the one on the far left in the top image, actually participated. Hinkle’s trite story was a fabrication: “They were barely introducing themselves. As a hobby, he watches Andrew Tate videos and reads the communist manifesto, which was the most offensive thing he stated. Additionally, he was pursuing the TA.

The irony, the irony! Such ignorance of oneself…

Let’s check in on the King Daddy of Tanks.

Please let me know if anyone can comprehend that nonsense. It is typical of conservatives to transform a legitimate scandal (Biden’s mistake with sensitive materials) into a crazy Qanon conspiracy theory that repels everyone.

So suddenly “socialism” and “oligarchy” are synonymous?

That is an odd definition of the term “socialist.”

Each is incorrect. Washington would be glad to overlook Russia and concentrate on China if Ukraine would just get the hell out of the way. And the other man is incorrect about all the Nazi material. The BRICS nonsense is ridiculous; it’s the Tankie’s fantasy coalition for a “multi-polar world.” It is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, hence the acronym BRICS. Yet … India and China are not giving Russia any practical support. They are fleecing it with drastically below-market gas and petroleum prices since the rest of the world refuses to trade with Russia’s blood product. None of these nations have voted with Russia in the United Nations, while India and Brazil have voted directly against it.

China is suddenly sending conciliatory signals to the United States as it attempts to 1) distance itself from Russia’s war crimes and 2) counter the economic threat posed by the West’s economic decline. Since the dawn of time, India and the United States have enjoyed the finest relations imaginable.

In other words, Russia finds BRICS to be completely useless. A few pariah regimes, such as Syria, Eritrea, and North Korea, are their only supporters.

The first statement is accurate. The remainder… less so.

Can you imagine if the United States threatened nuclear war following every failed military operation and conflict? Would the Tankies reconsider might-makes-right? Oh, forbid, every non-nuclear state must capitulate lest the nuclear power clicks the button!

The majority of tank lines are jokes, but this one is the most deadly. If the only option for a nation to secure itself in the present world order is to possess nuclear weapons, what prevents widespread proliferation? Why wouldn’t Taiwan, South Korea, the entirety of Eastern Europe, everyone in Central Asia, and the rest of the world possess nuclear weapons?

If we desire a world with limited nuclear proliferation, we must prevent nuclear states from acquiring colonial advantages through the use of nuclear blackmail.

Less than two dozen jokers wishing for Russian genocide does not constitute a “growing” anti-war left. Even the several hundred they received in New York City do not demonstrate genuine support for their extremist and violent ideology:

Note that the American Tankies who organized this event claimed thousands were present. Between 300 and 500, according to Russia’s official propaganda arm. Probably a fraction of that was the truth. The crowd photos are quite severely cropped to preclude any sense of proportion or estimation.

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