Kyiv and Moscow trade nighttime salvoes, shoot down drones

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By Creative Media News

  • Kyiv successfully counters drone attacks
  • Putin’s failed objectives
  • Urgent need for unanimity

As the situation in Israel and Gaza dominates much of the news agenda, a former defense secretary warns that a shift in international attention and the cessation of armaments provision by foreign governments could potentially embolden Vladimir Putin.

Major drone attacks are claimed to have been thwarted by both Russia and Ukraine, while a former NATO chief cautions against a diversion of international attention from the ongoing conflict.

Kyiv Reports Counteraction

Kyiv’s military reported that it had destroyed eight of the nine uncrewed aircraft launched overnight by invading forces.

Immediate reports of damage or the location where the remaining device had struck were absent.

A day after what officials termed Russia’s largest drone offensive of the conflict, this assault occurred.

As it did the previous year, Ukraine has warned in recent weeks that Russia will target critical infrastructure in a winter aerial campaign.

In the interim, Moscow reported that it had fired down at least twenty drones over Russian territory, including the capital.

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According to Alexei Dyumin, the governor of the region, an intercepted drone struck an apartment building, injuring a resident of Tula.

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, someone attempted a massive drone attack overnight.

Russian media reported that the drone assault caused flight cancellations or delays at the major airports in Moscow.

Maintaining Focus on Ukraine

In light of this, former NATO secretary-general Lord Robertson of Port Ellen emphasized the importance of maintaining international attention on Ukraine despite the preponderance of news coverage about the situation in Israel and Gaza.

Former Labour defense secretary: If foreign governments cease supplying armaments, Russian President Vladimir Putin will be emboldened to extend the attacks beyond Ukraine.

Lord Robertson, the military alliance’s leader from 1999 to 2003, praised the Israel-Hamas ceasefire. However, he cautioned that while daily television coverage from Gaza may render Ukraine less prominent, that must change.

We must maintain global attention on Ukraine at all times, as they are embroiled in a conflict with Russia that has far-reaching consequences for every one of us.

Vladimir Putin’s objective extends beyond the mere subjugation of Ukraine.
His future objectives are considerably more expansive; should he succeed in Ukraine, one must find out where he might stop.
He stated, “We cannot permit the Ukraine conflict to recede into obscurity.” That is to Vladimir Putin’s exclusive satisfaction.

Putin’s Failed Objectives and Current Dilemma

“In actuality, the majority of his objectives have disintegrated into dust.” NATO expansion, which he desired to halt, has since taken place. His objective of partitioning Europe and separating it from America was ultimately unsuccessful.

“His objective was to conquer all of Ukraine, but he is currently stranded in the Donbas.” The individual who unilaterally decided to invade Ukraine has committed a dreadful error.

“We must convince that one individual to reconsider our position by maintaining unanimity and ensuring that the Ukrainian forces receive the necessary ammunition and weaponry at the precise moment they require it.”

“Vladimir Putin can only be persuaded to change his mind in that manner.” “If Putin is successful, the stakes are extremely high because he will not stop at Ukraine.”

In addition, Lord Robertson advocated for a sustainable resolution to the protracted Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

He stated, “I believe that over time, the region’s nations will have to unite in an effort to find a sustainable solution that will allow the Israelis and the Palestinians to coexist peacefully.”

Failure to find a lasting resolution will result in the ongoing dispute for years.

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