Victim chases rapist along street after seven-year jail sentence.

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By Creative Media News

The 18-year-old woman became Mohammed Abdullah’s target after leaving a nightclub. Despite Abdullah’s denials, he was convicted of rape following a trial.

Assault on Aberdeen Street

A rapist who assaulted an 18-year-old woman in an Aberdeen street and was pursued by his victim has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

The Trial and Conviction

The High Court in Edinburgh heard last month that the 19-year-old restrained the woman by her wrists before committing the rape. CCTV footage capturing the sound of a woman sobbing and showing the victim modifying her attire after the assault was presented to the jury.

Despite Abdullah’s denials, he was convicted of rape following a trial.

Defendant’s Background and Legal Proceedings

In addition to a seven-year prison sentence, Abdullah was permanently included in the sex offenders’ register upon sentencing.

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Lord Ericht stated that he had determined Abdullah’s punishment in accordance with the sentencing guidelines for juveniles and added that Abdullah had no prior convictions. The judge noted that Abdullah was unaware of his victim.

The incident occurred on Bon Accord Street on August 17, 2021.

The jury was informed that shortly after departing the club, the woman encountered Abdullah, at which point she “became unsteady on her feet.”

Abdullah and his victim were observed entering a lodging house by CCTV. Overheard was the woman declaring, “I have never been to this location before.”

She subsequently returned outside and inquired, “Where is my bank card?”

Outside the residence, she was overheard repeatedly saying “no” and referencing her romantic partner.

Abdullah attempted to elude capture by officers after the assault but subsequently returned to the location.

Police discovered footage of young women dancing in the street outside a nightclub subsequent to the seizure of his mobile device.

Officers realised Abdullah was a non-native English speaker and needed an online interpreter before arresting him.

An interpreter accompanied him to court and assisted him in comprehending the evidence presented to the jury.

Abdullah’s testimony before the court revealed that he had emigrated from Sudan to Scotland in pursuit of a “better life.”

Defence solicitor advocate Paul Mullen stated, “He is an exceptionally youthful individual who has arrived in this country through a convoluted pathway with the aspiration of bettering his circumstances.”

“Prior to this, he had never been held in remand.” He is secluded.

His interactions with his family in Sudan have been minimal. In contrast, guardianship services have been paying him visits.

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