Under an exemption program, nearly 3,500 prohibited canines are permitted to reside with their owners in England, Scotland, and Wales. A moratorium on XL bullies is anticipated by the end of the year; therefore, it will be difficult to track down additional dogs, according to one police officer, because it is unknown how many animals forces will be required to manage.
Anita Mehdi, the owner of seven-year-old pit bull terrier Lola, maintains a firm grip on her leash as she navigates a bustling park in Middlesbrough. Lola is distinguished by her broad, muscular physique and her brilliant orange muzzle, which serve to enhance her visibility.
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However, Anita believed her time with Lola had abruptly ended four years prior when the authorities arrived to apprehend her.

“In a sense, my entire universe fell apart. They secured her in a cage, locked the door, and fled, leaving me in the road sobbing,” she continues.
“I didn’t know whether I was ever going to see her again.”
Lola was reported to the police by a member of the public who believed she belonged to a prohibited breed.
Following the police information, Lola was evaluated and measured. Pit-bull in nature, she was the progeny of an English Staffordshire bull terrier and an American bulldog. In accordance with the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991, pit bull terriers are prohibited alongside the Japanese Tosa, the Dogo Argentino, and the Fila Brasileiro.
In response to a rise in dog attacks involving another breed, the American pitbull XL, the government has announced that immediate measures are being taken to prohibit these canines.
The restrictions are taken seriously by me.
The Cleveland County Constable Board’s local dog legislation officer administered a behavior evaluation to Lola, which she subsequently passed. However, Anita, who claims she was unaware that Lola was a pit bull at the time she obtained her, was informed that she would have to appear in court in order to retain her.
Exemption Programs and Regulations
Exemption programs permit prohibited canines to remain with their owners under the condition that a court determines they do not present a risk to the general public and that they will adhere to stringent regulations. Anita was granted Lola back with a list of stipulations.
Lola’s life shifted drastically at that moment, according to Anita.
In addition to having Lola microchipped and sterilized, Anita had completed the installation of six-foot fencing encircling her garden. However, Anita is also responsible for walking Lola and restraining her in public, including in her vehicle.
On request from a police officer or council dog warden, she is obligated to present a certificate of exemption to a police station within five days of the expiration of each year as proof that she has obtained third-party insurance. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in the reacquisition of Lola.
“I adhere strictly to the restrictions.” “I would not put Lola to sleep or have her euthanized,” Anita states.
“She literally is my entire world.” Therefore, I do it despite my dislike for it, out of affection for her.
The vast majority of the 3,499 banned canines registered in England, Scotland, and Wales are pit bull terriers, with 3,316 being registered in England and 149 in Wales, according to the data.
Although thirteen prohibited canines were tallied in Scotland, Defra failed to specify the varieties of each. In Northern Ireland, individual councils maintain their own exemption registers.
While a colleague feeds him a treat, Dog Legislation Officer PC Paul Jameson in Sheffield uses a measuring tape to determine the size of a light-brown dogs with a substantial, square frame.
Evaluation of Pit Bull-Type Dogs
PC Jameson is currently monitoring a dog in a secure confinement to determine whether she possesses the Defra-defined characteristics of a pit-bull-type. A pit-bull-type is a dog that, despite possessing attributes of another breed, possesses sufficient pit bull characteristics to be classified as a prohibited dog.
PC Jameson stated that observation and physical constitution comprised the evaluation.
“We measure around 70 things altogether looking at every aspect of the dog,” according to him.
“A triangular cranium is what is desired when observed from the front. Almond-shaped irises, which are not as deeply set as those of other breeds. We are interested in a lengthy, powerfully muscled neck… A dog will be categorized as a pit-bull type if it possesses a substantial number of characteristics.
This dog satisfies the requirements for pit bull-type classification; however, due to her unclaimed status, she will likely be euthanized.
Challenges with XL Bullies
The American behemoth XL, according to the government, will be prohibited as well by the end of the year. It has not yet, however, established the breed characteristics for this creature.
According to PC Jameson, evaluating XL abusers will be difficult.
“A precise count of the actual number of these canines in the wild is currently unknown.” “I estimate that there are thousands.”
According to him, police kennels for seized dogs are already “extremely busy,” and the seizure of XL bullies in the future will only add to the burden.
“But I’m sure we’ll rise to the challenge when it comes in,” he continues.
In an alternative locality of Middlesbrough, in close proximity to Lola and Anita, Tom Pattison and Casey Norster are the guardians of an eleven-month-old XL bulldog named Zuma, whom they have cherished since his puppyhood. He is adored by their two small children, ages two and four, despite his menacing appearance.
“I have complete faith in him.” He is an exceptional companion. Tom states, “He is incredible with my children and wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“I’d be really sad if he was ever taken away.”
Tom and Casey have begun training Zuma to use a muzzle and a lead in anticipation of his classification as a prohibited breed of dog. Additionally, they are enrolling him in professional dog behavior training courses with the expectation that he will be deemed suitable for their household.
Since the declaration of an impending prohibition on XL bullies, individuals’ responses towards Zuma have diverged, as observed by the family.
“People are currently more circumspect of him.” Their canines are not permitted to approach him. Their offspring are not to be in close proximity to him.
“If he’s ever off the lead, they’ll start walking in the opposite direction,” asserts Casey.
Breed-specific legislation is opposed by Tom and Casey, and Anita has been pushing for its repeal ever since Lola was seized. She also asserts that “responsible ownership and accountability” should be prioritized.
“Banning a breed makes them more attractive to the wrong owner,” according to her.
The laws, according to PC Jameson, are not intended to penalize responsible proprietors. Releasing a dog back to an owner who does not comprehend or recognize that their companion could be hazardous to themselves and others would be “foolish,” according to him.
“I’ve got to think about public safety,” he reiterates.
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