Seven guilty in ‘monstrous’ child sex abuse ring case

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By Creative Media News

  1. Paedophile Gang’s Atrocities
  2. Guilty Verdicts and Charges
  3. NSPCC Condemns Rare Horrors

The NSPCC children’s charity referred to the allegations brought against three children by members of a paedophile gang as “one of the worst cases in recent decades.”

A Glasgow drugs den was penetrated by seven members of a paedophile gang who pretended to be “wizards and witches” and were convicted of operating a “horrendous” child sex abuse enterprise.

Described by the NSPCC children’s charity as “one of the worst cases in recent decades,” a paedophile squad consisting of eleven individuals was charged with a series of offences against three children.

Guilty Verdicts on Sexual Assault and Rape Charges

On Tuesday, a jury at Glasgow High Court declared seven individuals guilty on charges of sexual assault and rape.

During the trial, lasting over two months, it was alleged that primary school-age children were fed alcohol and cocaine and subjected to a campaign of sexual depravity, including group assaults, at multiple properties.

Heroin addicts orchestrated recurrent assemblies to execute acts of heinous violence spanning from 2010 to 2020.

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Prolonged attacks in which older children were coerced into abusing a younger child were termed “child rape nights” in court.

While some sex offenders chuckled, the youths, referring to the location of their abuse as the “beasty house,” claimed money was exchanged following the heinous sex abuse.

Convictions and Charges

Those convicted of rape and sexual assault are John Clark, 46; Iain Owens, 45; Elaine Lannery, 39; Lesley Williams, 41; Paul Brannan, 41; Scott Forbes, 50; Barry Watson, 47; and Scott Forbes, 50.

Additionally, Owens, Lannery, Williams, and Brannan were convicted of attempted homicide.

Owens, Williams, and Brannan were also convicted of drug-related offences.

Although Marianne Gallagher was found guilty of assault, all other allegations were dismissed.

Three additional individuals were found not guilty of any charges.

On January 4, Judge Lord Beckett will deliver sentencing at the High Court in Glasgow.

Moreover, the jury was informed, through pre-recorded statements and police interviews with several young victims, that one child was intentionally placed in a freezer, microwave, oven, and refrigerator with the intention of causing their death.

The children believed their attackers were magicians and witches with “magic wands” that turned them into dogs and cats.

The court was informed that one boy had allegedly developed desensitisation to the harm inflicted upon him. Whereas other children described being exposed to a “terrifying and perplexing environment.”

Public Reaction and Hope for Justice

Without wishing to be identified, the woman stated, “Any parent who hears this will recognise that individual as someone you once dated.” You simply desire to be gravely ill.

“I sincerely hope that the book is hurled at them.” Although I abhor violence, I sincerely hope that those responsible receive the punishment that they deserve upon their sentencing. One is consumed by karma.

The children may not have been telling the truth, according to defence attorneys, but prosecutors stated that it would be “absurdly deceitful” to fabricate crimes of the “most monstrous kind.”

According to one of the juvenile victims testified before the jury, “I felt uneasy as two witches restrained my legs. The entire room was filled with wizards and witches.”

The children allegedly “became convinced they could see, hear, and communicate with spirits and demons” as a result of the alleged use of a Ouija board to “call on spirits and demons.”

NSPCC’s Stance and Rare Instances

The development director of the NSPCC, Matt Forde, stated: “This is an absolutely shocking instance.

“It is unfathomable that children could potentially endure the aforementioned ordeals.”

“In fact, this is an extremely rare case.” Several abhorrent incidents have transpired throughout the decades. However, this scenario is horrible, and the public will find it hard to believe youngsters can withstand such settings. They can be subjected to such deliberate and abhorrent mistreatment.”

Mr. Forde continued: “You can only imagine the terror and miserable existence that these children had.”

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