Prince Harry accuses ‘some’ Royal Family members of ‘falling in bed with the devil’

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By Creative Media News

The Duke of Sussex told ITV’s Tom Bradby that he did not intend to “harm” or “hurt” his father Charles and brother William with his memoir Spare. However, in a subsequent interview with 60 Minutes, he referred to the Queen Consort as “the villain” and “dangerous.”

Prince Harry has accused members of the Royal Family of being “in bed with the devil” because of their ties to the tabloid press, and he has admitted that Meghan did not get along with William and Kate “from the beginning.”

In an interview with ITV, the Duke of Sussex insisted he did not intend to “harm” or “hurt” his brother or King Charles with his explosive allegations contained in his memoir Spare.

When he and Meghan were interviewed by American television host Oprah Winfrey, he also denied allegations of racism against the royals.

Prince harry accuses 'some' royal family members of 'falling in bed with the devil'
Prince harry accuses 'some' royal family members of 'falling in bed with the devil'

Separately, in an interview with the American news program 60 Minutes, Prince Harry revealed that he once viewed his stepmother Camilla, the Queen Consort, as “the villain” and that he is still estranged from Princes William and Charles.

After admitting in his book to using cocaine, cannabis, and magic mushrooms, Harry said in a wide-ranging interview with ITV host Tom Bradby that it was “important to acknowledge” his past drug use.

In addition, he claimed that his family members had a “terrible reaction” on the day that Queen Elizabeth died, including “briefings,” “leaking,” and “planting.”

Harry is accused of being “vitriolic” toward Camilla.

Regarding the “relationship between certain family members and the tabloid press,” Harry stated, “These particular family members have decided to sleep with the devil, right? To restore their reputation.

“That is a choice if you need to do it, if you want to do it, and if you choose to do it. It depends on you.

“However, I draw the line when rehabilitation comes at the expense of others, including myself and other members of my family.”

Bradby suggested to Harry that he was “fairly consistent” in his criticism of his stepmother and the media in his memoir.

An excerpt from Harry’s book indicated that he and William “endorse” Camilla, but requested that their father Charles not marry her.

Harry writes, “shortly after our private summits with her, she began to play the long game.”

“A campaign aimed at marriage and, presumably, the throne, with Pa’s approval.

“Stories began to appear everywhere in all the newspapers about her private conversation with Willie, stories with pinpoint-accurate details that, of course, did not originate with Willie. They could have only been divulged by one other person present.”

Harry denied being critical of any family member, especially his stepmother, in his ITV interview.

The duke stated that he desired “reconciliation” with his family, but that “there must be accountability.”

He told Bradby, “I believe there are a great number of individuals who, after viewing the documentary and reading the book, will wonder. ‘How could you ever forgive your family for what they’ve done?’

People have already told me that.

“I stated that forgiveness is an absolute possibility because I want my father back. I would like my brother to return.

“At this time, I recognize them no more than they recognize me.”

Camilla was the antagonist.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper of 60 Minutes, Prince Harry stated that he once viewed Camilla as “the villain” and “dangerous.”

“She was the third spouse of the couple. “She needed to repair her reputation,” he told Cooper.

Due to the connections, she was forging within the British press, her need to improve her public image rendered her dangerous.

He added, “There was an open willingness on both sides to exchange information. And with a family based on hierarchy, and with her on her way to becoming Queen Consort, there would be people or bodies left in the street as a result.”

When asked if he and William urged Charles not to marry Camilla, he responded, “We didn’t believe it was necessary.” We believed that it would cause more harm than good.”

William and Kate did not like Meghan “from the beginning.”

Harry stated that Kate and William were “Suits fans” and that there had been “a lot of stereotyping” regarding Meghan’s status as an “American actress, divorced, and biracial”

According to Bradby, the Prince and Princess of Wales “almost immediately” did not “get along” with Meghan.

“Fair?” asked the presenter.

Yes, reasonable, Harry responded.

The prince stated that his brother “never tried to dissuade” him from marrying Meghan. But that he “expressed some concerns very early on” and that William told him. “This is going to be very difficult for you.”

“Perhaps he anticipated the reaction of the British press,” Harry added.

Harry discusses William’s alleged physical assault

Harry claims in his book that he was physically assaulted by William during an argument over his marriage to Meghan.

He told ITV that as younger siblings, he and his brother “used to fight all the time”. But that the alleged incident involved a different “level of frustration.”

“I observed a red mist within him,” Harry stated.

“I can almost guarantee that if I hadn’t been attending therapy sessions and processing my anger and frustration. I would have fought back – 100 percent.”

Harry stated that he did not believe his brother and father would read his book. But he added, “I hope they do.”

Bradby opined that Harry had “not so much burned bridges” with the Royal Family. But rather “taken a flamethrower to them.”

Harry responded, “They have shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile up to this point.”

“And I’m not sure how honesty can cause bridges to be burned. You are aware that silence only permits the abuser to abuse, correct? I don’t see how remaining silent could ever improve the situation.”

Harry does not text William or communicate with King Charles.

In an interview with CBS, Harry stated that he is currently “not texting” William and has not spoken to his father in “quite some time.”

Do you currently speak with William or text?

Cooper inquired.

“Not currently, but I look forward to the day when we can achieve peace,” Harry responded.

When asked how long it had been since he last spoke with Charles. He replied, “It’s been quite a while, no, not recently.”

William’s sibling rivalry began at Eton.

Harry stated that his “sibling rivalry” with William began during their time at Eton College.

When they were in school together, his older brother instructed him to pretend “we don’t know each other.”

It hurt at the time,” Harry told 60 Minutes.

Charles warned Harry that he faced a “suicide mission” due to the press.

Harry revealed to ITV that his father had cautioned him against trying to change the press, calling it “probably a suicide mission.”

When they departed as working royals, the duke claimed there was a “distorted narrative” that he and Meghan “wanted to leave to make money.”

He stated that the couple decided to prioritize their mental health and requested “assistance and support.

“At the time, I was unaware of the extent of the family’s involvement in my wife’s pain and suffering,” Harry continued.

The only group that could have prevented or prevented this from occurring were the very people who were encouraging it to occur.

Harry criticizes Jeremy Clarkson’s “horrific” article about Meghan.

Harry described the recent article by Jeremy Clarkson about Meghan as “horrific,” “hurtful,” and “cruel.”

Clarkson was widely criticized for his column in The Sun, which stated that he was “dreaming of the day when (Meghan) is forced to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while crowds chant ‘Shame!’ “

“and hurl excrement at her.”

Harry told ITV, “What he said was abhorrent, hurtful, and cruel to my wife. But it also encourages others in the UK and around the world. Particularly men, to believe that it is acceptable to treat women in this manner.”

Harry stated that “the world” was seeking “some form of a comment from the monarchy”. But that “the silence is, to put it mildly, deafening.”

“After six years, they haven’t said a word about anything related to my wife,” he added. However, they are regularly willing to defend themselves.

Harry denies racism allegations against the Royal Family in an Oprah interview.

When asked about his interview with Winfrey in June 2021, Harry stated that his wife’s claims that a family member made “disturbing” remarks about Archie’s skin color were the result of “unconscious bias,” not racism.

The duke also stated that the recent incident at Buckingham Palace involving black activist Ngozi Fulani. And the late Queen’s lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey “is a very good example of the environment within the institution.”

After Bradby suggested to Harry that “in the Oprah interview, you accused members of your family of racism”. The duke responded “no, I did not” and added, “the British press reported that.”

“Did Meghan ever comment on their racism?

Harry inquired’

After Bradby reported that the duchess claimed offensive remarks were made about Archie’s skin tone. Harry stated, “There was concern about his skin tone.”

When asked if he would characterize that as racist, the duke replied. “No, because I have never lived within that family.”

He continued, “There is a distinction between racism and unconscious bias; the two are distinct.”

Harry’s happiness “infuriates” some individuals.

Harry, who now resides in California, reported that he was “very happy” and “in a better place than I’ve ever been.”

“I believe that angers some people and infuriates others due to the nature of my departure,” he continued.

“I’m sure… some people always believed Meghan would leave, but I don’t believe they ever believed I would as well.”

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