Officer probed as police van kills 80-year-old Trevor Bartlett

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By Creative Media News

  • Trevor Bartlett fatally struck
  • Investigation into police vehicle collision
  • IOPC assessing potential charges

It is up to the police watchdog to decide whether to refer the case to the Crown Prosecution Service.

A criminal investigation is underway into a constable in connection with the fatal collision involving a man and a police vehicle at a pedestrian crossing.

On December 19, a fatal collision struck Trevor Bartlett, an eighty-year-old former Nottingham Post photographer, on the A52 in the city.

The van was in the bus lane with its lights and sirens activated.

Mr. Bartlett reportedly suffered a collision in the Beeston vicinity a week before Christmas as he walked back from his local tavern.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) stated that an investigation was underway into the driving officer.

The IOPC added that they are under investigation for potential fatalities resulting from reckless or inconsiderate driving or hazardous driving.

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Potential charges of gross malfeasance may also be levied against the officer in connection with their actions and decisions. Including any risk assessment conducted prior to the collision.

Derrick Campbell, regional director of the IOPC, stated, “We have communicated with the family of Mr. Bartlett to convey our condolences on their sorrowful demise and to provide an update on the progress of our investigation.”

We will decide whether to refer the matter to the Crown Prosecution Service for a charging determination. Whether disciplinary action is warranted will be assessed after the conclusion of our investigation.

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