Off-duty British military fatalities in Kenya

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By Creative Media News

  • Major McCool assaulted in Kenya
  • British soldier dies off-duty
  • MoD confirms tragic loss

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed the death of a British soldier in Kenya while off duty.

The 32-year-old Major Kevin McCool was assaulted while riding his motorbike off base.

Officials from the Ministry of Defence have confirmed that the soldier’s next of kin has been notified but stated that no further information would be released.

Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, presided over the eulogies for Major McCool and termed his passing a “tragic loss.”

He further stated, “It is evident from the eulogies of his contemporaries that Major McCool was an outstanding individual and soldier, equally admired and respected, who distinguished himself in the service of his nation.”

According to the MoD, Maj. McCool passed away on November 29.

In August 2014, he was commissioned from Sandhurst and subsequently assigned to duty in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Falkland Islands.

“He aced many of the military’s most difficult courses in addition to having an impeccable operational record,” the MoD said in the eulogy.

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It continued, “His fitness and endurance were legendary; he once outran the entire battalion on a two-mile run.” His eagerness was contagious.

“His mischievous gleam in the eye rendered him immensely enjoyable to be around.” However, his unwavering professionalism and strategic orientation were evident to all individuals fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work alongside him.

His commanding officer lauded Admiral McCool as an individual “of the utmost integrity” and a “big family man.”

The officer stated, “I will never forget my last recollection of him, which occurred during operations. He had only emerged from the ground after sleeping for a few hours in the preceding days.”

“During our conversation, we explored the potential need to reassign an additional team to the operational furnace from which he had just emerged.” “Send me,” he instructed me with his penetrating blue eyes, interrupting me in the middle of my thought.

“A brilliant light has illuminated our ranks.” While missed, he shall never be forgotten.”

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