Martyn’s Law: Anti-terror rules after years of delay

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By Creative Media News

The government says the new guidelines, which Mr. Hett’s mother Figen Murray has long advocated for, will apply to the entire United Kingdom and compel venues and local authorities to have preventative action plans against terrorist attacks.

The government has announced that new laws would be tabled in memory of Manchester Arena bombing victim Martyn Hett to strengthen protections against terrorism in public spaces.

Mr. Hett, age 29, was among the 22 individuals killed in the attack after Ariana Grande’s concert on May 22, 2017.

Martyn's law: anti-terror rules after years of delay
Martyn's law: anti-terror rules after years of delay

The government stated that the new guidelines, which Mr. Hett’s mother Figen Murray has long advocated for, will apply to the entire United Kingdom and compel venues and local authorities to have preventative action plans against terrorist attacks.

The measures were announced several years ago, but their implementation has been postponed.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that he is dedicated to collaborating with Mrs. Murray to enhance security measures in public places, with the government preparing to release a draught bill in early spring.

Mrs. Murray stated, days after her son would have celebrated his 35th birthday, “On Martyn’s birthday, the government taking this issue seriously and vowing to act is the nicest present I could have asked for.

Even though nothing can bring Martyn back, this news means that others like him will be better safeguarded.

Common-sense security measures in large or small public places could reduce the number of people who experience what I and the families of Manchester have.

“Now we must take immediate measures to put this into effect. I hope that this law will be introduced during the current session of the legislature so that we may complete this as quickly as feasible.”

Security rules to be introduced after years of delay
Martyn's law: anti-terror rules after years of delay

Praising Mrs. Murray’s campaign, Mr. Sunak said: “How Manchester came together as a community in the aftermath of the cowardly Manchester Arena attack, as well as the extraordinary efforts of activists like Figen Murray, who have devoted their lives to making us safer and promoting kindness and tolerance, are an inspiration to us all.

“I am dedicated to working with Figen to enhance security measures at public venues and spaces and to enacting this critical legislation to honor Martyn and all others touched by terrorism.”

Martyn’s Law will follow a tiered format based on the type of activity taking place and the size of the anticipated audience and will aim to increase how well-prepared a venue is without unduly burdening the company.

Locations with a maximum capacity of over 100 persons will be subject to a standard tier. Training, information exchange, and preparation of a preparedness plan are examples of low-cost, effective measures that must be taken by venues.

A tier upgrade will prioritize high-capacity locations. Those with a capacity of 800 or more will be obliged to do an additional risk assessment to inform the creation and implementation of a comprehensive security plan.

In addition, the government will establish an inspection and enforcement mechanism, complete with consequences for violations, and give statutory advice and individualized help.

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