Man accused of rape and faking his own death tries to prevent media coverage of the crime.

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By Creative Media News

Nicholas Rossi allegedly fled the United States to evade prosecution before attempting to persuade investigators that he was deceased. The 34-year-old is suspected of committing rape in Utah as well as attacks on women in other states.

Man accused of rape and faking his own death tries to prevent media coverage of the crime.
Man accused of rape and faking his own death tries to prevent media coverage of the crime.

A man accused of being US fugitive Nicholas Rossi stated in court that there is “mass hysteria” around his case, as he unsuccessfully argued for reporting limits.

Tuesday, the individual identified as Arthur Knight appeared before the Edinburgh Sheriff Court as part of extradition procedures.

Prosecutors in the United States have charged the 34-year-old with raping a woman in Utah and assaulting other women in various states.

Man accused of rape and faking his own death tries to prevent media coverage of the crime.
Man accused of rape and faking his own death tries to prevent media coverage of the crime.

He allegedly faked his death and fled to Scotland to avoid prosecution.

The man, who believes that Arthur Knight is his true name, resides in Glasgow and claims to have never visited the United States.

He further asserts that the authorities requesting his extradition have made an error.

He was charged with threatening two hospital staff members at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEUH) in Glasgow last week.

Due to the criminal case in Glasgow, Sheriff Alistair Noble on Tuesday entertained a motion to postpone the extradition proceedings against him until Thursday.

The suspect was wheeled into the courtroom while dressed in a maroon pajama top and bottoms.

He wore a face mask and was escorted by medical personnel carrying an air bottle. Sheriff Noble consented to postpone the hypothetical hearing until Thursday.

The guy, representing himself, then attempted to restrict press coverage by submitting his request to the court.

He stated that there was “mass frenzy” around the case and that it had “become a media circus.”

He went on to say that the media had violated contempt of court by “constantly referring to me as Nicholas Rossi.”

The individual claiming to be Mr. Knight stated before the court, “It is of the utmost importance that this case is decided to prevent the public humiliation I have endured.”

Sheriff Noble stated, “I have not heard anything that would warrant issuing an order.”

The sheriff stated that the case would be heard by a judge rather than a jury, thus there was no possibility of bias.

Earlier this year, the man believed to be Rossi was caught in Glasgow after being hospitalized with COVID.

Utah County Attorney David Leavitt stated that he would likely still be living “off the grid” if he had not contracted coronavirus and required medical attention.

A man’s fingerprints authenticate his identification.

A Scottish court heard earlier this month that the guy claiming to be Arthur Knight was identified by his fingerprints as Nicholas Rossi.

As he appeared in Glasgow Sheriff Court on a charge of acting aggressively towards medical personnel in the city, the details were revealed.

On Tuesday, 5 July, he allegedly yelled, swore, rushed at, and pursued a consultant and senior charge nurse at the QEUH.

He entered an alibi plea.

Why do American authorities seek him?

Nicholas Rossi is wanted in connection with the alleged September 2008 rape of a 21-year-old woman in Utah. He is also suspected of assaulting women in Rhode Island, Ohio, and Massachusetts.

Utah authorities said he fled the country to avoid punishment and attempted to tell investigators he was deceased.

They identify various identities, including Nicholas Alahverdian, Nick Alan, Nicholas Brown, Arthur Brown, and Arthur Knight.

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