Just Stop Oil: Stop the M25 protests

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By Creative Media News

Just Stop Oil activists will immediately cease their protests on the M25, according to the organization.

The environmental group’s protesters have blocked sections of the major highway for four days, resulting in several arrests.

A spokesperson stated that there would be no protests on Friday or in the “foreseeable future.” The delay would allow the government to “do the right thing.”

The Met Police reported that 58 individuals were charged throughout the four days of protests.

Just stop oil: stop the m25 protests
Just stop oil: stop the m25 protests

The police stated that the decision to end protests would allow them to “focus resources” on other crimes.

Just Stop Oil has stated that it wants the government to stop issuing new licenses for oil and other fossil fuel exploration in the United Kingdom.

Despite halting any planned protests on the M25, the spokesperson stated that they would not rule out returning to the highway in the future.

“We’re not saying we’ll return to the interstate, but we’re also not saying we won’t. “However, we’ve temporarily suspended this,” they claimed.

The Home Office stated that it was increasing police authority to “meet the development of guerrilla protest methods.”

Stop oil
Just stop oil: stop the m25 protests

A spokeswoman stated, “Not only is the recent significant disruption exceedingly dangerous for all parties concerned, but it also costs taxpayers millions of dollars and depletes police resources.”

This week, activists scaled gantries at various sites along the M25, resulting in the closure of the highway.

During Wednesday’s protests, a police officer was hurt.

During a rolling roadblock, the police motorcycle and two trucks collided, according to Essex Police.

Chief Constable BJ Harrington said that a protest-related death is “just a matter of time.”

Surrey Police has welcomed the cessation of the demonstrations, stating that it will allow them to “concentrate resources on combating other criminality in our communities.

A spokeswoman added, “However, we are not complacent and have personnel in place to cope with any more disruptions if necessary.”

‘No let-up’

Egypt was the location of the COP27 climate meeting when the protests occurred.

The spokesperson for Just Stop Oil advised Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to “consider his statement at Cop27, where he spoke of the catastrophic threat posed by the ravages of global warming, the 33 million people displaced by floods in Pakistan, and the moral and economic imperative to honor our commitments.

The environmental activism organization was created by organizers from Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain.

Rory Kennedy, the co-founder of the US-based Climate Emergency Fund, which finances Just Stop Oil, stated that the group’s operations in the United Kingdom would continue unabated.

Ms. Kennedy stated that protests will continue until government policies regarding fossil fuels are modified. She stated that demonstrators would remain in “emergency mode” to “prevent the worst climate emergency we’ve ever encountered.”

In a Wednesday lecture, Suella Braverman stated that “disruption is a menace to our way of life.”

Following this week’s protests, eleven individuals are scheduled to appear in courts around the country, according to the Metropolitan Police.

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