Johnny Brady, a teen arsonist, has been on the run for three days.

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By Creative Media News

On New Year’s Eve, the 19-year-old, who is serving a hospital order for a major assault. And arson, disappeared from St. Andrew’s Healthcare, and there have been no reported sightings of him since.

Police continue their search for a juvenile arsonist who vanished from a mental health facility on December 31.

The general public has been cautioned not to approach Johnny Brady “under any circumstances”. After he escaped from a Northampton healthcare facility on Saturday afternoon.

Johnny brady, a teen arsonist, has been on the run for three days.
Johnny brady, a teen arsonist, has been on the run for three days.

Brady, age 19, was serving a hospital sentence for offenses involving violent assault and arson.

No verified sightings of him since he fled

However, Northamptonshire Police believe he may be connected to three different fires that broke out overnight near the hospital grounds following his disappearance.

The police have posted a current photo of the 19-year-old on Twitter and requested retweets to locate him.

Detective Superintendent Richard Tompkins stated that the police “are becoming more anxious.”

Johnny is serving a hospital order for convictions related to arson and violent assault. Therefore it is imperative that members of the public do not approach him under any circumstances and instead dial 999,” he said.

We are investigating three separate cases of arson involving garbage bags that occurred overnight in regions within a few miles of the hospital grounds. And may be related to Johnny.

Arson can have fatal repercussions; thus, we advise the public to be especially attentive in their local neighborhoods.

Please phone 999 immediately if you observe somebody acting suspiciously near the property. Or purposefully setting fire to items such as trash cans.

Nicholas Courtney, a 43-year-old convicted sex offender. Also departed the hospital, though his absence is not believed to be related to Brady’s.

Sunday morning he was located and returned to the facility.

A police official stated, “We are glad to inform you that the missing patient Nicholas Courtney has been located. And returned to the Northampton St. Andrew’s Healthcare Centre.”

Thank you for sharing our appeal; your help is always appreciated.

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