GMP failures allow paedophile ring for seven years, says whistleblower

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By Creative Media News

  • GMP child protection unit criticized
  • Detective claims operational oversights
  • Calls for serious case review

According to a former Greater Manchester Police whistleblower, the child protection investigation unit is “deficient in function”. It has failed to apprehend a paedophile conspiracy for a minimum of seven years due to operational oversights.

Last year, she stated in her resignation letter: “I do not believe that our efforts are improving the situation for these children. Indeed, I believe we are exacerbating the situation.”

Additionally, she claimed that her efforts to assist the victims “re-traumatized” them and “left them hanging.”

Detective Constable “Lucy,” who was tasked with a significant investigation into child sex offenders in Manchester in 2022, asserts that shortcomings may have permitted the continuation of what “experts have described as some of the most heinous forms of abuse ever witnessed.”

When she assumed responsibility for the investigation and discovered that two prior complaints had been lodged in 2018 regarding the same suspects and other minors, she immediately recognized a problem. One in which the case was resolved.

She disclosed that a substantial amount of professional documentation, including medical, school, and children’s records, had not been requested or reviewed. Had they done so, they would have discovered that a considerable number of the children had disclosed experiencing sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and psychological torture on multiple occasions.

The case from 2018 was reopened. Lucy realized she was in charge of a complex investigation involving very young victims whose trust she needed to earn. Still, she needed to be given the time or resources to complete the task because she juggled multiple caseloads.

Failed promises and systemic issues

She stated, “I desired to visit them frequently, but time simply did not permit it.” You would then proceed to engage in conversation with them, re-examine the situation, re-inflict trauma, and ultimately abandon them.

I was attending a team meeting alongside the DCI. He is keeping each of these assurances to me. “I will procure the necessary resources for you.” It simply did not occur.

She proceeded: “You have produced an abundance of shoulder shrugs. Simply put, “it’s not in my control” type of circumstance.

“I am certain the superintendent level was informed of this.” Thus, it ascends to that extent. You begin to understand that nobody will heed regardless of how high you climb.

An investigation conducted by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) into a grooming gang in Rochdale more than a decade ago was criticized last week for numerous shortcomings.

Maggie Oliver, the detective who exposed the scandal, refuted Chief Constable Steve Watson’s statement that “lessons had been learned” at a news conference. Oliver informed the room about the recently resigned officer, Lucy.

Ms. Oliver directly addressed the chief constable seated before her: “Twelve years ago, I could have been that officer.”

“Behind doors, she had been banging.” She has been earnestly endeavouring to have a case involving the abuse of a tremendous number of minors taken seriously.

‘It’s still happening’

According to Lucy, the force has yet to learn from its mistakes.

“It is continuing to occur.” The treatment administered to these victims is abhorrent… Furthermore, this failure extends beyond the victims to the entire community.”

She claims she was assigned “the workload of six or seven people” and was encouraged to concentrate on just two victims instead of considering the bigger picture, echoing the concerns expressed by Ms Oliver in the Rochdale case over a decade ago. GMP has since informed us that it is investigating a more extensive number of victims.

Lucy claims her mental health began to suffer as a result.

“I felt as though my mind was simply buzzing. I was incapable of falling asleep despite being completely exhausted. At one point, I felt like losing my wits; the situation was too much for me.

“I concluded, There is nothing I can change.” I cannot continue to state the same idea. It is depleting my vital force.

Simply put, I might be failing them was beyond my comprehension.

Lucy resigned from the force after five years of service, accompanied by a formal complaint regarding the investigation.

She declares, “I have just sent an email. I stated that this resource issue is more significant than any of us. However, we are not improving these children’s situation. We are exacerbating the problem.

“I responded, ‘In my opinion, this child protection unit is not functioning as intended.'” Not even my inspector addressed the matter with me. “She simply pretended as though nothing had occurred.”

She claims that morale is low among the remaining personnel.

“It’s truly terrible. Indeed, it appears that everyone wants to depart. “People are crying due to the issue, and I stated in my exit interview, ‘You don’t have enough staff.'”

Calls for a serious case review

She is requesting a severe case review of the investigation on which she was working.

“I believe that many criminals were implicated.” If permitted to pursue the lines of investigation, they would discover that it was an enormous undertaking. It is a web of paedophilia. “I believe that to be the case,” she declares.

“Twenty months have passed since my last involvement.” Seven years have passed since the initial infant was born. That concludes the debacle.”

“We are concerned to learn how this former detective feels about this operation,” a GMP spokesperson said.

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“Overall, a considerable proportion of GMP’s personnel are assigned to child protection responsibilities; in recent years, substantial staffing increases have been implemented in this domain.” It is undoubtedly true that the current state of affairs significantly diverges from the approach taken by GMP in the past.

“We are not, nevertheless, lax. A week ago, the former officer informed the chief constable’s office of her concerns.

The matters brought forth, and the inquiry referenced are currently under examination by a detective superintendent and the assistant chief constable in charge of severe crimes and public protection.

They further stated, “It is of the utmost importance that we confirm that the children in question were under safeguarding arrangements for several years before the reporting of non-recent abuse in this case.”

The children involved were safeguarded and have remained in good health and safety throughout the investigation.

“A team of four officers is still investigating reports of domestic incidents.” Two individuals continue to be the subject of investigation, and evaluations have been conducted biweekly since January 2023.

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