Gary Lineker knows two gay Premier League players and believes they will come out during Qatar World Cup.

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By Creative Media News

The former England striker says he knows two Premier League footballers who were “pretty close” to coming out before this point, adding that “it would be fantastic if one or two of them came out during the World Cup.”

Gary Lineker asserts that he knows two gay Premier League footballers and that it would be “great” if they choose to come out during the World Cup in Qatar to send a strong statement to the host nation, where homosexuality is still illegal.

The former England striker and TV host told the Daily Mirror that the players were “very close” to coming out previously.

Gary lineker knows two gay premier league players and believes they will come out during qatar world cup.
Gary lineker knows two gay premier league players and believes they will come out during qatar world cup.

It would be fantastic if one or two were released during the World Cup. It would be incredible, “he said.

“I know for a certainty that some have been quite near and pondered doing so. There are a few I know, but it would be inappropriate for me to reveal their identities.”

Under Sharia law, same-sex sexual intercourse is punishable by seven years in prison or execution by stoning for Muslim men in Qatar, where the event begins on 20 November.

Qatar’s World Cup chairman Nasser Al Khater sought to reassure LGBTQ+ fans that they will be welcomed at the event on Thursday.

While Qatar is unwilling to amend its anti-LGBTQ+ laws in response to the concerns of visiting fans, he has promised that no one would face discrimination during the 29-day event and that gay supporters will be permitted to hold hands.

Premier league stars
Gary lineker knows two gay premier league players and believes they will come out during qatar world cup.

Mr. Al Khater stated, “All we ask is for people to be respectful of the tradition.”

“At the end of the day, as long as you don’t do anything that damages other people if you’re not harming public property, and as long as you’re behaving harmlessly, then you have nothing to worry about and everyone is welcome.”

Although Mr. Al Khater has stated that fans may fly rainbow flags, he has stated that it is “a FIFA problem” whether Harry Kane, the England captain, and Gareth Bale, his Welsh counterpart, are permitted to wear “One Love” armbands that call attention to discrimination.

The presenter of Match of the Day shared an article about then-foreign minister Liz Truss pushing Premier League teams to boycott the Champions League final in Russia with the statement, “And her party will return their funds from Russian donors?”

The former footballer stated that his tweet was motivated by a football-related story and was intended as a comment on the sport, not politics.

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