Earl Spencer reveals childhood abuse at boarding school

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By Creative Media News

Earl Spencer claims that the abuse imparted “lifelong demons” to him.

Earl Spencer, Princess Diana’s younger sibling, has disclosed experiencing childhood sexual abuse.

The 59-year-old has elucidated on the sexual assaults and physical abuse he endured at the hands of a female staff member during his boarding school years at Maidwell Hall.

In his memoir, he recounts how, at the age of eleven, an assistant matron subjected him to abuse, which caused him such trauma that he engaged in self-harm in fear that she would withdraw from the school.

Earl Spencer, who endured lifelong “demons” as a result of the abuse, wrote: “An unofficial hierarchy appeared to exist among her captives… each term, she would select one boy to share her bed with and exploit for sexual purposes.

Her dominion over enthralled males was absolute, as we were devoid of feminine warmth and insatiably yearning for affection and attention.

Due to the maltreatment he endured, Earl Spencer stated that he lost his virginity to an Italian prostitute when he was 12 years old.

“The act contained no pleasure, sense of arrival, and maturation,” he wrote.

At this moment, I am convinced that I was merely carrying out the procedure initiated by the perverted attention of the assistant matron.

“Reliving my experiences at the school was a horrific experience,” he wrote. “I have frequently witnessed my Maidwell contemporaries amid intense suffering, their tears still glistening in their eyes.

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Numerous of us departed Maidwell with demons intricately woven into our spirits.

A Maidwell Hall spokesperson expressed “sorrow” and “dismay” to the publication regarding the allegations of abuse.

The spokesperson further stated, “Sadly, there were times when such practices were considered normal and acceptable, making them difficult to read about.”

“Since the 1970s, virtually every aspect of school life has undergone substantive change.” The protection and advancement of the well-being of minors constitutes the fundamental theme of the modifications.

The publication date for Earl Spencer’s book, A Very Private School, is March 14.

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