Coroner: British tourists died in Egypt hotel bed bug pesticide

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By Creative Media News

A coroner has determined that in August 2018, carbon monoxide poisoning claimed the lives of John and Susan Cooper at the Steigenberger Aqua Magic Hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada. The fatality occurred after the pesticide was applied in the adjacent room.

A coroner has ruled that a British couple perished of carbon monoxide poisoning after a pesticide intended to kill bed bugs was sprayed in the room adjacent to theirs at their hotel in Egypt.

In August 2018, during their sojourn at the Steigenberger Aqua Magic Hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, John and Susan Cooper experienced an unexpected and severe illness.

The seventh day of Preston Coroner’s Court hearings involved Mr. Cooper, 69, and his wife, 63, and their “brilliant” holiday.

On August 20th, at approximately midday, the room adjacent to the couple, which featured a locked door as well, was fumigated using the pesticide Lambda in an effort to eliminate a bed bug infestation.

Masking tape was subsequently used to seal the chamber around the door.

The couple retired to their room for the evening, but their daughter discovered them both gravely unwell the following morning when she knocked on their door after they failed to descend for breakfast.

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On August 21, the body of Mr. Cooper, a contractor, was discovered in their room. Hours later, Mrs. Cooper, a cashier at a Thomas Cook bureau de change, passed away in the hospital.

Coroner’s Findings

Senior coroner for Lancashire, Dr. James Adeley, stated that Mr. Cooper’s illness and demise occurred rapidly. However, Mrs. Cooper was transported to a clinic in the hotel prior to the call for an ambulance. Which caused a four-hour delay before she could be transported to the hospital.

The three-day inquest was informed that dichloromethane, an additional substance, is occasionally used to dilute lambda in certain countries. This dilution induces carbon monoxide metabolism or ingestion within the body.

Dr. Adeley determined on Friday that the couple’s demise was caused by carbon monoxide toxicity caused by inhaling dichloromethane-containing pesticide vapour.

An extensive and recurring series of endeavours have been undertaken to acquire documents and information from the Egyptian authorities.

After their deaths, Home Office pathologist Dr. Charles Wilson said the Coopers’ chamber wasn’t guarded. Adding that it was “inconceivable” that similar precautions had not been taken in the United Kingdom.

“It ought never to have been permitted to occur.”

Heartbreaking Family Ordeal

Kelly Ormerod, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, characterised the “anguish and bereavement” that family members have experienced since the tragedy while speaking outside the courtroom.

After more than five years, she said her parents’ death was finally determined today.

It will never be forgotten that to embark on a family vacation brimming with happiness and anticipation while spending quality time together, only to be confronted with a heartbreaking incident that transpired.

My family “found it difficult to comprehend” what happened and said it “should never have been permitted to occur.”

In 2018, the chief prosecutor of Egypt concluded that E. coli was the probable cause of death for the couple. However, Kelly stated at the time that she did not “for one minute” believe that.

The last few years have been the most traumatic and emotional time for all of us involved,” according to her.

Although time has passed, our family has been brought to a standstill by the numerous unanswered questions that remain.

We have a huge void in our lives and may never fully comprehend their absence. They were both physically fit and in good health.

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