Tens of thousands rally for hostage deal during Gaza ceasefire talks

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By Creative Media News

  • Israelis demand armistice for hostage return, conflict prolongation alleged
  • Cairo negotiations resume amid speculation over temporary ceasefire terms
  • UN warns of famine in Gaza; Hamas labeled terrorist group

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered late into the night in anticipation of further armistice negotiations and to demand an agreement to return hostages.

Some Tel Aviv protesters chanted “Life, not war,” and some accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of seeking to prolong the Gaza conflict.

It occurred on Saturday when a Hamas delegation convened with mediators in Egypt.

The organization stated that no new information had emerged, but added that “a new round will commence” on Sunday.

In Cairo, Egypt and Qatar-brokered ceasefire negotiations have resumed to halt Israel’s offensive in Gaza in exchange for the release of detainees.

It appears that the primary point of contention is whether the agreement will be permanent or provisional.

There is speculation that the language under consideration calls for a forty-day cessation of hostilities in exchange for the release of several Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails.

An advisor to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh stated that the organization was “completely serious” about evaluating the most recent proposal.

However, he insisted once more that any agreement must expressly stipulate an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and a full cessation of hostilities.

Minister of Israel Amichai Chikli declared that hostilities would persist “until Hamas is eradicated.” He added that we have no choice but to reject a deal that would require us to end the conflict or abandon a full-scale operation in Rafah.

A separate statement was made on Saturday by an unidentified Israeli government official who informed local media that Israel would “absolutely not consent to an agreement to end the war in exchange for the release of our abductees.”

They further stated that the IDF will storm Rafah and annihilate the residual Hamas battalions, regardless of whether a brief pause occurs to liberate our captives.

There has been internal pressure on Mr. Netanyahu to proceed with the long-promised offensive in the southernmost city of Gaza, where an estimated 1.4 million civilians have sought refuge following the evacuation of combatants from the strip’s northern and central regions.

The United States, the most important diplomatic and military ally of Israel, is averse to supporting a new offensive that could result in substantial civilian casualties and has demanded a plan to safeguard displaced Palestinians before doing so.

The demonstrations that occurred in Israel on Saturday served as the most recent manifestation of the heightened domestic pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu to ensure the hostages’ release.

128 of the 252 individuals abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain unaccounted for; at least 34 of these individuals are presumed to be deceased.

Protester Natalie Eldor in Tel Aviv told Reuters that she was present “to support a deal now, yesterday.

We must retrieve every hostage, both the living and the deceased. Reuniting them is our responsibility. “We must replace this government,” she continued.

A portion of those in attendance at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv demanded an end to the conflict, whereas others accused the prime minister of undermining the proposed truce.

Minister Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s war cabinet, commented on the possibility of an armistice on Saturday: “An official response to the outline has not been received as of yet. Once approved, the war management cabinet will convene to deliberate on the matter.

In the interim, I advise “political sources” and all decision-makers to exercise restraint, act rationally, and refrain from becoming engulfed in hysteria for political motives.

Months have passed with no progress being made during ceasefire negotiations, and since the conclusion of November, neither hostilities nor the transfer of prisoners have ceased.

There have been occasions when the signing of a new agreement appeared imminent, but it ultimately failed to materialize.

According to a source with knowledge of the most recent round of negotiations, the situation remains intricate, and achieving a breakthrough could require several additional days.

In the interim, the director of the World Food Programme of the United Nations has issued a dire warning that “full-blown famine” has descended upon northern Gaza.

In an interview with US media, Cindy McCain cautioned that the dire situation in the territory was escalating towards the south.

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McCain stated, “We are requesting, and have consistently requested, a cessation of hostilities and unrestricted access to enter the area in a secure manner.”

On October 7, waves of Hamas militants penetrating Israel through the Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people and the capture of over 250 hostages, sparked the conflict. Numerous Western nations have designated the group as a terrorist organization that is subject to prohibition.

The health ministry of Gaza, which is operated by Hamas, has reported that over 77,900 Palestinians have been injured and over 34,600 have been slain as a result of the subsequent Israeli military campaign in the territory.  

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