At least ten people have been killed and others have been injured, officials say, as a result of Russian airstrikes on the Ukrainian city of Kherson.
Residential and administrative structures in the city’s core were damaged by the explosions.
According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, there are no military installations in the region.

Ukraine reclaimed Kherson, the sole regional capital occupied by Russia since the invasion, last month.
Since then, Russian forces stationed on the other side of the Dnieper have often targeted it.
Videos of the aftermath of the incident depict numerous bodies on the ground, ablaze vehicles, and destroyed structures.
Mr. Zelensky posted the following message on his Telegram channel: “Social networks will certainly label these images as containing “sensitive content.” However, this is not sensitive material; it is the reality of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”

He characterized the attacks as “murdering for intimidation and pleasure.”
Russia has denied repeatedly that it targets civilians in its attacks.
The attacks occurred exactly 10 months after the invasion began.
In addition to the ten fatalities, the governor of the larger region reported during a nationally televised broadcast that 18 individuals were in serious condition due to their injuries.