The military tweeted photographs of a group of soldiers and volunteers posing with thermally blanketed children. One of the soldiers placed a bottle on the lips of the youngest infant.
Five weeks after their plane crashed into a dense jungle, four children have been discovered unharmed.
The Colombian military rescued them not far from where the Cessna 206 had plummeted. Three people on board perished, including the pilot.
Extensive searches had been conducted for the children, who are 13-, 9-, and 4-year-old siblings, with the smallest being 11 months old.

Officials had repeatedly expressed optimism that the children were still alive after discovering the discarded produce they had consumed to survive.
During their endeavors to follow their footprints, rescuers discovered improvised shelters made of jungle vegetation.
President Gustavo Petro of Colombia exclaimed, “A delight for the entire nation! The four missing children were found unharmed in the Colombian jungle.
Mr. Petro was forced to apologize two weeks after their disappearance for incorrectly announcing that they had been discovered safe and sound.
The children have been sent to the capital of Bogota to be examined by physicians, and footage shows a helicopter using lines to hoist them out of the dense rainforest, where it was unable to land.
In the meantime, the military tweeted photographs of soldiers and volunteers posing with children draped in thermal blankets. One of the soldiers placed a bottle on the lips of the youngest infant.
Four children and their mother were travelling from Amazonian Araracuara to San Jose del Guaviare when the plane crashed.
Officials said the older Huitoto children know rainforest survival.
“The jungle saved them,” stated Mr. Petro. “They are children of the jungle, and are now also children of Colombia.”