Minister: South Africa’s youngest pub victim was 13 years old.

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By Creative Media News

The youngest victim among the at least 21 who died at a drinking establishment over the weekend was 13, according to police minister Bheki Cele.

It was not immediately clear what caused the deaths, and police are conducting an investigation.

The bodies of the victims were discovered sprawled across the floors and tables of the Enyobeni Tavern in East London.

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Minister: south africa's youngest pub victim was 13 years old.

The bodies have been transported to mortuaries, where post-mortem examinations will be conducted.

Mr. Cele, who visited the area and was informed by the local police, reported that the deceased was between the ages of 13 and 17; however, a comprehensive list of the casualties has not yet been compiled. South Africa’s legal minimum drinking age is 18 years old.

There are rumors that patrons of the restaurant were celebrating the conclusion of the final examinations.

President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa offered his “deepest condolences” to the victims’ families.

“This tragedy is rendered even more tragic by the fact that it occurred during Youth Month, a time during which we… advocate and promote chances for improved socio-economic conditions for the nation’s youth,” he tweeted.

Oscar Mabuyane, the premier of East Cape Province, where the tragedy occurred, could not provide plausible causes for the fatalities, but he did condemn “unrestricted alcohol drinking.”

Speaking at the scene, he stated, “You can’t trade in the middle of society and assume that young people will not try.”

The incident occurred early on Sunday morning.

As there were no apparent wounds, a regional safety officer told AFP that a stampede was ruled out as the cause of death.

Unathi Binqose stated, “Forensic [investigators] will collect samples and conduct tests to determine if there was any type of poisoning.”

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