King Jong Un declares North Korea COVID-free.

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By Creative Media News

Since July 29th, not a single incidence of fever suspected to be linked to the nasty virus has been reported, according to Kim Jong Un, who attributes the first outbreak to South Korean leaflets flying across the border.

The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, has declared victory over COVID-19, but his sister admits he had “a fever” during the outbreak.

King jong un declares north korea covid-free.
King jong un declares north korea covid-free.

Since May, when North Korea confirmed an Omicron outbreak of the virus, it has recorded over 4.8 million “fever cases” among its population of 26 million, although only a percentage of these have been recognized as COVID-19.

It has been reported that the outbreak has slowed for weeks and that only 74 individuals have perished.

Reportedly, Kim has now ordered the relaxation of preventive measures, just three months after conceding the existence of certain cases.

Thursday, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said that Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, stated that her brother had “a fever” and blamed the North Korean outbreak on South Korean leaflets that were flown across the border.

The Unification Ministry of South Korea, which handles inter-Korean issues, released a statement expressing deep regret for the North’s “very insulting and threatening words” based on “ridiculous allegations” about the origin of the diseases.

According to KCNA, in a speech to the nation, Kim stated: “Since we began operating the maximum emergency anti-epidemic campaign (in May), daily fever cases that reached hundreds of thousands during the early days of the outbreak were reduced to below 90,000 a month later and decreased continuously, and since July 29, not a single case of fever suspected of being caused by the evil virus has been reported.”

‘Virus-free zone’

For a country that has never administered a single vaccine shot, our success in overcoming the spread of the illness in such a short period and regaining safety in public health, and making our nation a virus-free zone once again is a miracle that will be recorded in the annals of public health around the world,” he added.

“A farce,”

During Wednesday’s summit, Kim Yo Jong referred to the viral outbreak as a “hysterical charade” initiated by South Korea to increase tensions.

She stated that her brother had experienced fever symptoms and lauded his “energetic and careful leadership” for bringing about a “historical miracle” in the fight against COVID-19.

“Puppets from South Korea continue to throw pamphlets and filthy stuff into our area. We must respond with vigor “She stated,

“We have already explored a variety of countermeasures, but our countermeasure must be retaliatory and lethal.”

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