Ground operation kills 14 Israeli soldiers in Gaza

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By Creative Media News

  • Israel-Gaza conflict escalates
  • Ongoing violence claims lives
  • International concerns rise

Saturday, during a conversation with US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the “objectives and phasing” of Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

The Israeli military has reported that fourteen Israeli soldiers were slain over the weekend while fighting in Gaza.

152 members of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been slain since the commencement of its ground operation on October 20.

Approximately 480 IDF personnel have lost their lives since October 7, when Hamas initiated its incursion.

The fatalities over the weekend constitute some of the most violent days of the conflict thus far. This indicates that Hamas remains as dedicated to its cause as it was at the outset.

Saturday, during a conversation with US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the “objectives and phasing” of Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

According to his office, Mr. Netanyahu emphasized that “Israel will continue the conflict until all of its objectives are completely achieved.” On the contrary, according to U.S. officials, the forthcoming stage of hostilities will be characterized by reduced intensity and a greater emphasis on the Hamas leadership and its infrastructure.

It follows a resolution passed by the United Nations on Friday. The resolution did not explicitly demand a humanitarian ceasefire but rather advocated for increased assistance transportation into Gaza.

Humanitarian Concerns Amid Escalation

The United States, being the most influential ally of Israel, abstained from the vote. The resolution was met with disapproval from Hamas and Israel alike.

Since October 7, the health ministry of Palestine, controlled by Hamas, reports that 20,424 Palestinians have been slain. Of these, 166 occurred over the weekend.

Recent World Programme data indicates that a quarter of Gaza’s populace is malnourished. The overwhelming majority has also been displaced.

240 Israelis have been held hostage and 1,200 have been killed at the hands of Hamas and other militant organizations. The Israeli armed forces continue to negotiate for the liberation of the 129 captives that remain.

The devastation wrought by the conflict is evident in the traditional Nativity scene situated in Manger Square, Bethlehem, where characters are encircled by debris and barbed wire.

On Saturday, a United Nations official criticized Israel for issuing a second evacuation order instructing Gaza residents to relocate to Deir al Balah, despite the fact that the area had been bombarded all week.

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Escalation of Israeli Offensive in Gaza and Regional Impact

Israeli forces have declared their intention to extend their offensive in both the northern and southern regions. Specifically, they are engaged in combat within “complex areas” of Khan Younis, the second-largest city in the territory, where they suspect Hamas commanders are concealed.

On Sunday morning, reports surfaced of intense Israeli bombardment and gunfire in the town of Jabaliya. This area is situated to the north of Gaza City and had been previously claimed by Israel as its own.

Sunday, in the meantime, the IDF issued a statement in response to “numerous launches towards the region of Keren Naftali in northern Israel.”

This month, Iran-backed Houthi militants have attacked Israeli commercial ships in the Red Sea.

Changing direction away from the Suez Canal has extended journeys to Europe by an average of ten days.

Israel continued to target Hezbollah locations within Lebanon on Saturday. This included a site where one of the fourteen IDF soldiers was killed over the weekend.

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