Barnaby Webber’s family devastated by Nottingham attacks

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By Creative Media News

  • Nottingham attack kills three
  • Perpetrator admitted manslaughter
  • Reviews and reassessment underway

A moment “worlds fell apart” when the family of one of three individuals killed in attacks in Nottingham learned of his demise, as recalled by the family.

19-year-olds Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar were murdered by Valdo Calocane on their way home from a night out in Nottingham on 13 June. Calocane also murdered 65-year-old Ian Coates on the same day.

On Thursday, Calocane was issued a hospital order after his admission of manslaughter.

His treating NHS trust is currently the subject of a particular evaluation that has been mandated.

Mr. Webber was a consummate cricket student nearing the conclusion of his inaugural year at the University of Nottingham at the time of his passing.

According to his family, Mr Webber, a history student from Taunton, Somerset, adored Nottingham and was immensely popular.

Mr. Webber’s mother, Emma, added, “He was probably the most genuine human being I have ever met; he was so funny, and he was living his life, loving it.”

According to his family, he eagerly anticipated returning to the city each time he visited.

However, he never returned home.

Mrs Webber recalled the events of 13 June by stating that she was engaged in work in Cornwall when the television news abruptly shifted to a breaking incident in Nottingham.

David, her spouse, allegedly dialled his number but received no response.

Upon the initial assumption that he might be dozing off a night out, there was no cause for concern.

They found a match, however, when they learned that an incident had occurred on Ilkeston Road. They used a mobile application to locate Mr. Webber.

Mrs. Webber stated, “It may sound absurd in my opinion, but when I heard that a man and a woman had been murdered, I immediately thought it couldn’t be Barney, as I still consider him to be a child.”

“It was a moment of icy cold blood… my initial thought was ‘Why isn’t he answering’? However, when we traced the phone’s path, we discovered it had been delivered to a police station.”

At that moment, I realised it was terrible.

Mr and Mrs Webber made the decision to travel directly to Nottingham. The phone, however, rang when they had been in the vehicle for less than three miles.

Mr Webber had fortuitously contacted the police station earlier in the day. The family recollects the officer requesting a pull-over.

Mr. Webber exclaimed, “My entire universe has just collapsed… It is not much that I recall after that.

“Our family was ordinary, like many others throughout the nation.” Our universe was irrevocably altered that instant.”

Mrs and Mr Webber said they travelled by car to Torquay, where Charlie Webber, 16 years old, was attending a school trip.

Mrs. Webber remarked, “I had this terrible feeling that within the next twenty seconds, we would forever alter his life… it was heartbreaking.”

“Charlie incessantly proclaimed, ‘It cannot be true!’ and ‘I cannot survive without him.'” The event was beyond description in terms of horror.

The university invited the family to Nottingham and informed them that a vigil was in the works on campus.

They held the vigil days after the murders, thinking it would be unimportant.

However, thousands of students were assembled in silence as they entered.

The following day, all three families travelled to Old Market Square, where the citizens of Nottingham gathered for a second vigil in solidarity with them.

Mrs. Webber remarked, “It was overwhelming; we witnessed humanity at its finest and worst.”

“The energy was palpable; it was difficult to describe; one could almost feel it—the expressions of reverence, horror, and sorrow.”

Nothing could have prepared us for the degree to which we were propelled into the public eye and for the number of impacted individuals.

Additionally, the family was adamant about paying a visit to the location where Barnaby had perished.

“I was compelled to visit the location where the incident transpired… “I declined to depart until I had completed my stay,” she declared.

“While strolling along Ilkeston Road, I was astounded by how near it appeared to his residence.

We were transported to the location where this monstrous act occurred; our safety was assured in less than five minutes.

As the police cordoned off the road, nearby residents emerged from their dwellings to show their obeisance.

Grieving Family’s Tribute and Legal Aftermath

The bereaved family deposited a photograph of Barnaby on the spot of his demise. They formed a circle around him in adoration.

Mrs. Webber exclaimed, “I’m so glad I did it; I needed him to know I was present.”

I am at a loss for words to describe my current state of standing; had someone predicted this, I would have replied that I would be incapable of handling it.

When asked what sustained him following the death of his son, Mr. Webber responded, “My son Charlie… Although I’ve had some negative thoughts, I honestly don’t know where Emma and I would be if it weren’t for him.

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I no longer fear death; in fact, I would be content with receiving a phone call tomorrow informing me that I have six months left on this planet.

I might be with Barney, where I prefer to be.

The agony of the family has transformed into rage.

Cocaine was found to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the murders.

As a result, he was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The families of the three victims have criticized the CPS, police, and NHS over the case conclusion.

The attorney general is currently deliberating on possibly reassessing Calocane’s sentence. Additionally, an NHS England Independent Mental Health Homicide Review will be conducted in the coming months to examine the perpetrator’s interactions with mental health services.

The health secretary said the CQC will assess Calocane’s care at Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust.

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