At least 36 killed by landslides in Venezuela as death toll increases.

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By Creative Media News

In the town of Las Tejerias, in the state of Aragua, search and rescue activities continue for more than fifty persons washed away from their houses.

At least 36 people have been killed by landslides in Venezuela after the country was ravaged by flooding and days of severe rain.

In the hamlet of Las Tejerias, in the state of Aragua, search and rescue activities are underway for more than 50 individuals who were washed away from their homes.

At least 36 killed by landslides in venezuela as death toll increases.
At least 36 killed by landslides in venezuela as death toll increases.

On Sunday, it was stated that 22 people had perished, but it is now proven that this number has increased.

The husband of Jennifer Galindez is among the missing. The water also claimed the life of her one-year-old granddaughter, who was seated on the sofa in the home when the devastation occurred.

She stated, “I have not been able to sleep.” “I cannot close my eyes because I see that. I see my granddaughter at the location where I placed her. I left her there since I was unable to remove her.

Venezuela landslides
At least 36 killed by landslides in venezuela as death toll increases.

“My husband was standing at the window. I was unable to assist him, and the ocean snatched him away.”

Without electricity or potable water, the town’s homes and businesses are completely or partially filled with mud and other detritus.

Jose Medina told how waist-high water in his home had trapped his family, so he turned his refrigerator on its side and used it as a boat for his granddaughter, while he and his wife clung to it for support.

He stated that their survival was a “miracle.”

The streets of Las Tejerias, a community of approximately 73,000 people, are clogged with mud, rocks, and twisted tree branches.

At least 36 killed by landslides in venezuela as death toll increases.
At least 36 killed by landslides in venezuela as death toll increases.

The El Pato, one of the flooding rivers, carried away several homes and businesses.

The vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, stated that a month’s worth of precipitation had fallen in just eight hours and that the pumps that powered the community’s drinking water system had been swept away by the floodwaters.

“We have lost boys and kids,” he stated from a street that was flooded.

Tragic events have occurred in the town of Tejerias.

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